4.0 Scheduler Commands > Commands > showhist




showhist.moab.pl [-a accountname]
[-c classname] [-e enddate]
[-g groupname] [-j jobid] [-n days]
[-q qosname] [-s startdate]
[-u username]                 


The showhist.moab.pl script displays historical job information. Its purpose is similar to the checkjob command's, but showhist.moab.pl displays information about jobs that have already completed.


By default, this script's use is limited to administrators on the head node; however, end users can also be given power to run the script. To grant access to the script to end users, move showhist.moab.pl from the tools directory to the bin directory.


-a (Account)
Description Displays job records matching the specified account.
> showhist.moab.pl -a myAccount

Information about jobs related to the account myAccount is displayed.

-c (Class)
Description Displays job records matching the specified class (queue).
> showhist.moab.pl -c newClass

Information about jobs related to the class newClass is displayed.

-e (End Date)
Description Displays the records of jobs recorded before or on the specified date.
> showhist.moab.pl -e 2001-01-03

Information about all jobs recorded on or before January 3, 2001 is displayed.

> showhist.moab.pl -s 2011-01-01 -e 2011-01-31

Information is displayed about all jobs recorded in January 2011.

-g (Group)
Description Displays job records matching the specified group.
> showhist.moab.pl -g admins

Information about jobs related to the group admins is displayed.

-j (Job ID)
Format <JOBID>
Description Displays job records matching the specified job id.
> showhist.moab.pl -j moab01

Information about job moab01 is displayed.

-n (Number of Days)
Format <INTEGER>
Description Restricts the number of past jobs to search by a specified number of days relative to today.
> showhist.moab.pl -n 90 -j moab924

Displays job information for job moab924. The search is restricted to the last 90 days.

-q (QoS)
Format <QOSNAME>
Description Displays job records matching the specified quality of service.
> showhist.moab.pl -q myQos

Information about jobs related to the QoS myQos is displayed.

-s (Start Date)
Description Displays the records of jobs that recorded on the specified date and later.
> showhist.moab.pl -s 1776-07-04

Information about all jobs recorded on July 4, 1776 and later is displayed.

> showhist.moab.pl -s 2001-07-05 -e 2002-07-05

Information is displayed about all jobs recorded between July 5, 2001 and July 5, 2002.

-u (User)
Description Displays job records matching the specified user.
> showhist.moab.pl -u bob

Information about user bob's jobs is displayed.

Sample Output

> showhist.moab.pl
Job Id            : Moab.4
User Name         : user1
Group Name        : company
Queue Name        : NONE
Processor Count   : 4
Wallclock Duration: 00:00:00
Submit Time       : Mon Nov 21 10:48:32 2011
Start Time        : Mon Nov 21 10:49:37 2011
End Time          : Mon Nov 21 10:49:37 2011
Exit Code         : 0
Allocated Nodelist:

Job Id            : Moab.1
Executable        : 4
User Name         : user1
Group Name        : company
Account Name      : 1321897709
Queue Name        : NONE
Quality Of Service: 0M
Processor Count   : -0
Wallclock Duration: 00:01:05
Submit Time       : Mon Nov 21 10:48:29 2011
Start Time        : Mon Nov 21 10:48:32 2011
End Time          : Mon Nov 21 10:49:37 2011
Exit Code         : 0
Allocated Nodelist: 512M

Information is displayed for all completed jobs.

When a job's Start Time and End Time are the same, the job is infinite and still running.

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