17.0 Object triggers > References > Reservation triggers


17.12 Reservation triggers

Triggers attached to reservations follow the same basic rules and formats as attaching them to other objects; however, not all attribute options are valid for each object. Reservations, like the other objects, have a unique set of trigger rules. The table below details the methods, options, and other notable details that come with attaching triggers to reservations.

Creation methods

Method Format Example
Command line on reservation creation: mrsvctl -T mrsvctl -c -h <hostlist> -T <trigSpec>

> mrsvctl -c -h node01 -T EType=start,AType=exec, Action="/scripts/node_start.pl"

Command line on existing reservation: mschedctl - c mschedctl -c trigger <trigSpec> -o rsv:<rsvID>

> mschedctl -c trigger EType=modify,AType=mail,Action="Reservation system.4 has been modified" -o rsv:system.4

Standing reservation configuration in moab.cfgSRCFG  SRCFG[<name>] TRIGGER=<trigSpec>

SRCFG[Mail2] TRIGGER=EType=start,Offset=200,AType=exec,Action="/tmp/email.sh"

Reservation template in moab.cfgRSVPROFILE RSVPROFILE[<name>] TRIGGER=<trigSpec>

RSVPROFILE[rsvtest] TRIGGER=EType=cancel,AType=exec,Action="$HOME/logdate.pl TEST CANCEL $OID $HOSTLIST $ACTIVE"

Valid event types

Valid action types


Node threshold settings
Valid ETypes threshold
Valid Threshold types usage

Mail recipient

The owner of the reservation. If the owner is unknown or not a user, the first user listed first in ADMINCFG (usually root).

See Using a trigger to send email for more information.