17.0 Object triggers > References > Threshold triggers


17.15 Threshold triggers

The following table identifies the object event, and usage types with which the threshold event/action type feature works.

Object type Event Type Usage types
Node Threshold





The following table defines each of the usage types: 

Usage type Description
gmetric Generic performance metrics configured in Moab (See Enabling Generic Metrics for more information).
usage The percentage of the resource being used (not idle).

The following table defines each of the threshold trigger comparison operators:

Comparison operator Value
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
== Equal to


Example 17-1: Reservation usage threshold

SRCFG[res1] TRIGGER=EType=threshold,AType=mail,Action="More than 75% of reservation res1 is being used",Threshold=usage>75,FailOffset=1:00

When more than 75% of the reservation has been in use for at least a minute, Moab fires a trigger to notify the primary user.