17.0 Object triggers > Trigger variables > References > Internal variables


17.20.8 Internal variables

Several internal variables are available for use in trigger scripts. These can be accessed using $<varName>.

Internal Variables
ETYPE The type of event that signals that the trigger can fire. ETYPE values include cancel, checkpoint, create, end, fail, hold, migrate, preempt, standing, start, and threshold.
OID The name of the object to which the trigger was attached
OTYPE The type of object to which the trigger is attached; can be rsv, job, node, vm, or sched
OWNERMAIL A variable that is populated only if the trigger's parent object has a user associated with it and that user has an email address associated with it

The time of the trigger launch in the following format:

Wed Mar 10 12:35:12 2012

USER The user (when applicable)

Object-specific internal variables

Job Variables
MASTERHOST The primary node for the job
HOSTLIST The entire host list of the job
Reservation Variables
HOSTLIST The entire host list for the reservation
OBJECTXML The XML representation of an object output is the same that is generated by mdiag -r --xml
OS The operating system on the first node of the reservation
OWNER The owner of the reservation

Example 17-2: Internal variable example

AType=exec,Action="/tmp/trigger.sh $OID $HOSTLIST",EType=start

The object ID ($OID) and host list ($HOSTLIST) will be passed to /tmp/trigger.sh as command line arguments when the trigger executes the script. The script can then process this information as needed.