Appendices > Appendix S: Scalable Systems Software Specification > Job Object Specification


Scalable Systems Software Job Object Specification

SSSJob Object Specification
Draft Release Version 3.1.0
26 April 2011

Scott Jackson, PNNLStringDavid Jackson, Ames Lab
Brett Bode, Ames Lab

Status of This Memo

This document describes the job object to be used by Scalable Systems Software compliant components. It is envisioned for this specification to be used in conjunction with the SSSRMAP protocol with the job object passed in the Data field of Requests and Responses. Queries can be issued to a job-cognizant component in the form of modified XPATH expressions to the Get field to extract specific information from the job object as described in the SSSRMAP protocol.


This document describes the syntax and structure of the SSS job object. A job model is described that is flexible enough to support the specification of very simple jobs as well as jobs with elaborate and complex specification requirements in a way that avoids complex structures and syntax when it is not needed. The basic assumption is that a solitary job specification should be usable for all phases of the job lifecycle and can be used at submission, queuing, staging, reservations, quotations, execution, charging, accounting, etc. This job specification provides support for multi-step jobs, as well as jobs with disparate task descriptions. It accounts for operational requirements in a meta-scheduled environment where the job is executed by multiple hosts in different administrative domains that support different resource management systems.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

This specification proposes a standard XML representation for a job object for use by the various components in the SSS Resource Management System. This object will be used in multiple contexts and by multiple components. It is anticipated that this object will be passed via the Data Element of SSSRMAP Requests and Responses.

1.1 Goals

There are several goals motivating the design of this representation.

The representation needs to be inherently flexible. We recognize we will not be able to exhaustively include the ever-changing job properties and capabilities that constantly arise.

The representation should use the same job object at all stages of that job’s lifecycle. This object will be used at job submission, queuing, scheduling, charging and accounting, hence it may need to distinguish between requested and delivered properties.

The design must account for the properties and structure required to function in a meta environment. It needs to include the capability to support local mapping of properties, global name spaces, etc.

The equivalent of multi-step jobs must be supported. Each step (job) can have multiple logical task descriptions.

Many potential users of the specification will not be prepared to implement the complex portions or fine-granularity that others need. There needs to be a way to allow the more complicated structure to be added as needed while leaving more straightforward cases simple.

There needs to be guidance for how to understand a given job object when higher order features are not supported by an implementation, and which parts are required, recommended and optional for implementers to implement.

It needs to support composite resources.

It should include the ability to specify preferences or fuzzy requirements.

1.2 Non-Goals

Name space considerations and naming conventions for most property values are outside of the scope of this document.

1.3 Examples

Example 25-1: Very Simple Example

This example shows a simple job object that captures the requirements of a simple job.


Example 25-2: Moderate Example

This example shows a moderately complex job object that uses features such as required versus delivered properties.

  <Name>Heavy Water</Name>
    <Processors op=”GE”>12</Processors>
    <Memory op=”GE” units=”GB”>2</Memory>
    <Memory metric=”Average” units=”GB”>1.89</Memory>
    <Variable name=”PATH”>/usr/bin:/home/peterk</Variable>

Example 25-3: Elaborate Example

This example uses a job group to encapsulate a multi-step job. It shows this protocol’s ability to characterize complex job processing capabilities. A component that processes this message is free to retain only that part of the information that it requires. Superfluous information can be ignored by the component or filtered out (by XSLT for example).

    <GlobalUser>C=US,O=LBNL,CN=Keith Jackson</GlobalUser>
      <Variable name=”LD_LIBRARY_PATH”>/usr/lib</Variable>
      <Variable name=”PATH”>/usr/bin:~/bin:</Variable>
    <Name>Launch Vector Initialization</Name>
    <Charge units=”USD”>12.75</Charge>
      <Processors consumptionRate=”0.78”>2</Processors>
      <Memory metric=”Max”>975</Memory>
      <TaskDistribution type=”TasksPerNode”>1</TaskDistribution>
    <Name>3-Phase Ascension</Name>
    <StatusMessage>Insufficient funds to start job</StatusMessage>
      <Resource name=”License” type=”ESSL2”>1</Resource>
      <TaskDistribution type=”Rule”>RoundRobin</TaskDistribution>
        <Processors group=”-1”>12</Processors>
        <Processors conj=”Or” group=”1”>16</Processors>
        <Node aggregation=”Pattern”>fr15n.*</Node>

2.0 Conventions Used in This Document

2.1 Keywords

The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

2.2 Table Column Interpretations

The columns of the property tables in this document have the following meanings:

Element Name Name of the XML element (xsd;element) see [DATATYPES]

Data type defined by xsd (XML Schema Definition)as:

  • String — xsd:string (a finite length sequence of printable characters)
  • Integer — xsd:integer (a signed finite length sequence of decimal digits)
  • Float — xsd:float (single-precision 32-bit floating point)
  • Boolean — xsd:boolean (consists of the literals “true” or “false”)
  • DateTime — xsd:int (a 32-bit unsigned long in GMT seconds since the EPOCH)
  • Duration — xsd:int (a 32-bit unsigned long measured in seconds)
Description Brief description of the meaning of the property

An indication of whether the given property must appear in the parent element. It assumes the following meanings:

  • MUST — This property is REQUIRED when the parent is specified
  • SHOULD — This property is RECOMMENDED when the parent is specified.
  • MAY — This property is OPTIONAL when the parent is specified.

An indication of the relative importance of supporting the given property.

  • MUST — A compliant implementation MUST support this property.
  • SHOULD — A compliant implementation SHOULD support this property.
  • MAY — A compliant implementation MAY support this property.

Some properties may be categorized into one of several categories. Letters in this column indicate that the given property can be classified in the following property categories.

  • R — This property can be encompassed in a Requested element.
  • D — This property can be encompassed in a Delivered element.

2.3 Element Syntax Cardinality

Selected elements in the element syntax sections use regular expression wildcards with the following meanings:

Wildcard Description
* Zero or more occurrences
+ One or more occurrences
? Zero or one occurrences

The absence of one of these symbols implies exactly one occurrence.

3.0 The Job Model

The primary object within the job model is a job. A job can be thought of as a single schedulable entity and will be the object normally seen in job queues.

Image 25-1: JobGroup contains Job and JobDefaults, which contain TaskGroup and TaskGroupDefaults

Click to enlarge

Jobs with dependencies on other jobs may be submitted in a job group. Jobs within a job group form a DAG (directed acyclic graph) where the nodes are jobs and the edges represent dependencies on the status of previous jobs. A job group will consist of at least one job. A job group can optionally specify job defaults which are a set of job properties to be assumed by all jobs within the job group unless overridden within the job.

A job may consist of multiple tasks, which are the finest grained work unit and represent an endpoint for executing a given process instance. For example, a job that requests 3 nodes and 4 processors will have 4 tasks, two on one node and one on each of two nodes. Tasks may be grouped into task groups, which are logical aggregations of tasks and their common properties. Submit filters, prologs, epilogs, notification scripts, etc. run once only for each job. Whereas task groups function as logical descriptions of tasks and their properties, they also describe the number of such tasks and the nodes that they run on. As an example, a master task group (consisting of a single task) might ask for a node with a MATLAB license, 2GB of memory and an Internet connected network adapter while a slave task group (consisting of 12 tasks) could be targeted for nodes with more CPU bandwidth -- all within the same job and utilizing a common MPI ring. Tasks (and hence taskgroups) can have different executables or environments, specify different consumable resources or node properties. A job, therefore, may specify one or more task group. A job that does not specify an explicit task group is considered as having a single implicit task group. A job can optionally specify task group defaults which are a set of task group properties to be assumed by all task groups within the job unless overridden within a task group.

A task group may specify one or more tasks. A task group that does not specify an explicit task is considered as having a single implicit task. A task group can optionally specify task defaults which are a set of task properties to be assumed by all tasks within the task group unless overridden within a task.

4.0 JobGroup Element

A JobGroup is an optional element that aggregates one or more interdependent jobs. Some resource managers support the submission of job groups (multi-step jobs) and queries on the status of an entire job group.

  • A compliant implementation MAY support this element.
  • A JobGroup MUST specify one or more JobGroup Properties.
  • A JobGroup MUST contain one or more Jobs.
  • A JobGroup MAY contain zero or more JobsDefaults.

The following illustrates this element’s syntax:

  <!-- JobGroup Properties -->+

4.1 JobGroup Properties

JobGroup Properties are properties that apply to the job group as a whole. These include the job group id, jobs and job defaults, and other simple optional job properties.

Simple JobGroup Properties

Simple (unstructured) job group properties are enumerated in the table below.

Table 25-1: Simple JobGroup Properties

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance
CreationTime DateTime Date and time that the job group was instantiated MAY MAY
Description String Description of the job group MAY MAY
Id String Job group identifier MUST MUST
Name String Name of the job group MAY SHOULD
State String State of the job group as a whole. Valid states may include NotQueued, Unstarted, Active, and Completed. MAY SHOULD


A job group MUST contain one or more jobs.

See the next section for element details.


A job group MAY contain zero or one job defaults.

See the next section for element details.

4.2 JobGroup Reference

When a simple reference to a predefined job group is needed in an encapsulating element, a JobGroup element is used with the text content being the job group id:

<JobGroup> workflow1</JobGroup>

5.0 Job and JobDefaults Element

The Job and JobDefaults elements are of the same structure. A Job element encapsulates a job and may be expressed as a standalone object. A JobDefaults element may only appear within a JobGroup and represents the defaults to be taken by all jobs within the job group. Job properties in Job elements override any properties found in a sibling JobDefaults element.

  • A compliant implementation MUST support the Job element.
  • A compliant implementation MAY support the JobDefaults element only if it supports the JobGroup element.
  • A job MUST specify one or more Job Properties.
  • One or more TaskGroup elements MAY appear at this level.
  • Zero or one TaskGroupDefaults elements MAY appear at this level.

The following illustrates this element’s syntax:

  <!-- Job Properties -->+

5.1 Job Properties

Job Properties apply to a particular job or as default properties to all jobs. They include the job id, job credentials, task groups, task group defaults, and other simple optional properties.

Simple Job Properties

Simple (unstructured) job properties are enumerated in the table below.

Table 25-2: Simple Job Properties

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance Categories
Application String Type of application such as Gaussian or Nwchem MAY MAY
Architecture String Type architecture for the nodes on which this job must run MAY MAY RD
Arguments String The arguments for the executable MAY SHOULD
Charge Float The amount charged for the job MAY SHOULD
Checkpointable Boolean Can this job be checkpointed? MAY MAY
CpuDuration Duration Number of cpu seconds used by the job MAY SHOULD
DeadlineTime DateTime Date and time that a job must end by MAY MAY
EligibleTime DateTime Date and time that a job must start after MAY MAY
EndTime DateTime Date and time that a job ended (independent of success or failure) MAY MUST
Executable String Executable. This may be an absolute or relative path or a URI.* MAY MUST
ExitCode Integer Exit code for the job MAY SHOULD
GlobalJob String Globally unique job identifier (possibly in the form of a URI) MAY SHOULD
Hold String Hold(s) on the job. There may be multiple instances of this element if there is more than one ld on the job MAY SHOULD
InitialWorking-Directory String Initial working directory MAY SHOULD
Interactive Boolean Is this an interactive job? MAY SHOULD
Id String A local job identifier assigned to the job by the local resource manager MUST MUST
Name String Name of the job MAY SHOULD
State String State of the job. Valid states may include Idle, Hold, Running, Suspended, or Completed MAY MUST
Type String Type of job. Meaning of this extension property is context specific. MAY MAY
Machine String Name of the system or cluster that runs the job MAY MUST RD
Network String Type of network adapter required by the job MAY MAY RD
NodeCount Integer Number of nodes used by the job MAY MUST RD
OperatingSystem String Operating System required by the job MAY MAY RD
Partition String Name of the partition in which the job should run MAY MAY RD
Priority Integer Current queue priority (or rank)for the job MAY SHOULD
QualityOfService String Name of the Quality of Service (QoS) MAY SHOULD RD
Queue String Name of the Queue (or class)that the job runs in MAY SHOULD RD
Quote String Identifier for a guaranteed charge rate quote obtained by the job MAY MAY
Reservation String Identifier for a reservation used by the job MAY MAY RD
ReservationTime DateTime Date and time that a reservation was placed for the job MAY MAY
ResourceManagerType String Type of resource manager required to run this job MAY MAY RD
Restartable Boolean Can this job be restarted? MAY MAY
Shell String Specified the shell necessary to interpret the job script MAY MAY
StagedTime DateTime Date and time that a job was staged to the local resource management system MAY MAY
StartCount Integer Number of times the scheduler tried to start the job MAY MAY
StartTime DateTime Date and time that the job started MAY MUST
StatusMessage String Natural language message that can be used to provide detail on why a job failed, isn't running, etc. MAY SHOULD
SubmitTIme DateTime Date and time that a job was submitted MAY SHOULD
SubmitHost String FQDN of host where the job was submitted from MAY SHOULD
Suspendable Boolean Can this job be suspended? MAY MAY
SuspendDuration Integer Number of seconds the job was in the Suspended state MAY MAY
TimeCategory String This allows the specification of shifts like PrimeTime for charging purposes MAY MAY
Duration Duration Number of seconds in the Running state SHOULD MUST RD

* The Executable may be a script or a binary executable. If it is already on the target system it may be referenced by an absolute or relative pathname (relative to InitialWorkingDirectory). If it is passed with the job in a File object (see SSSRMAP), it can be referenced by an absolute or relative URI. An absolute URI would specify a URL where the file can be downloaded (like with wget). A relative URI is specified by preceding an identifier by a pound sign, as in


It will be found in a File object included along with the Job object with the Script as an identifier, as in

<File id=”Script”>echo hello world</File>

Feature Element

The Feature element connotes an arbitrary named feature of a node.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • This element MAY appear zero or one times within a given set of Job Properties.
  • This element is of type String.
  • This element MAY have an aggregation attribute of type String that provides a way to indicate multiple values with a single expression. A compliant implementation MAY support the aggregation attribute if the Feature element is supported. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • List — a comma-separated list of features
    • Pattern — a regular expression (perl5) matching desired features
  • If an aggregation attribute is specified with the value of List, this element MAY also have a delimiter attribute of type String that indicates what delimiter is used to separate list elements. The default list delimiter is a comma.
  • This element MAY be categorized as a requested or delivered property by being encompassed by the appropriate element.

The following is an example of a feature element:

<Feature aggregation=”List”>feature1,feature2</Feature>

OutputFile Element

The OutputFile element specifies the name of the file to which the output stream (stdout) from the job will be written.

  • This element’s character content is the name of the file. If this element is omitted or it is empty, then an appropriate output file is auto-determined by the queuing system.
  • This element MAY have a redirectList attribute which is a comma-separated list of output redirection attributes of type String. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute if OutputFile is supported. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • Append — opens the output file for append
    • Close — closes and discards the output stream
    • Flush — output is written to output file as it is generated
    • Keep — leave the output file on the execution host
    • Merge — merges the output stream into the error stream

Note that when using the redirectList attributes, the cumulative effect of the ErrorFile and OutputFile directives may be order dependent.

The following is an example of an OutputFile element:

<OutputFile redirectList=”Append”>~/myjob.out</OutputFile>

ErrorFile Element

The ErrorFile element specifies the name of the file to which the error stream (stderr) from the job will be written.

  • This element’s character content is the name of the file. If this element is omitted or it is empty, then an appropriate error file is auto-determined by the queuing system.
  • This element MAY have a redirectList attribute which is a comma-separated list of error redirection attributes of type String. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute if ErrorFile is supported. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • Close — closes and discards the error stream
    • Append — opens the error file for append
    • Flush — output is written to output file as it is generated
    • Keep — leave the output file on the execution host
    • Merge — merges the error stream into the output stream

Note that when using the redirectList attributes, the cumulative effect of the ErrorFile and OutputFile directives may be order dependent.

The following is an example of an ErrorFile element:

<ErrorFile redirectList=”Merge”></ErrorFile>

InputFile Element

The InputFile element specifies the name of the file from which the input stream (stdin) for the job will be read.

  • This element’s character content is the name of the file. If this element is omitted or it is empty, then an appropriate input file is auto-determined by the queuing system.
  • This element MAY have a redirectList attribute which is a comma-separated list of input attributes of type String. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute if InputFile is supported. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • Close — closes and discards the input stream

The following is an example of an InputFile element:

<InputFile redirectList=”Close”></InputFile>

NotificationList Element

The NotificationList element specifies the job-related events or conditions for which a notification will be sent.

  • This element’s character content is a comma-separated list of events or conditions for which a notification should be sent. Possible values for the elements of this list include:
    • JobStart — send a notification when the job starts
    • JobEnd — send a notification when the job ends
    • All — send notifications for all notifiable events
    • None — do not send notifications for any events
  • This element MAY have a uri attribute of type String which indicates where the notification is to be sent. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if NotificationList is supported. The uri is in the format: [scheme://]authority with the scheme being smtp and the authority being an email address by default.

The following is an example of a NotificationList element:

<NotificationList uri=”[email protected]”>JobStart,JobEnd</NotificationList>


The ResourceLimit element represents a resource limit with its name and value.

  • This element MUST have a name attribute of type String. A compliant implementation MUST support the name attribute if ResourceLimit is supported.
  • This element MAY have a type attribute of type String that may have the values Hard or Soft. If the limit is enforced by the operating system, a hard limit is one that cannot be increased once it is set while a soft limit may be increased up to the value of the hard limit. If the type attribute is omitted, both the soft and hard limits are set.
  • This element’s character content is the resource limit’s value.

Some typical names include:

Name Description
CoreFileSize Maximum core file size
CpuTime CPU time in seconds
DataSegSize Maximum data size
FileSize Maximum file size
MaxMemorySize Maximum resident set size
MaxProcesses Maximum number of processes
MaxSwap Virtual memory limit
MaxMemLock Maximum locked-in-memory address space
MaxProcessors Maximum processors
MaxMemory Maximum memory
MaxDisk Maximum disk space
MaxNetwork Maximum network bandwidth
MaxFileIO Maximum file i/o
OpenFiles Maximum number of open files
Stacksize Maximum stack size

The following is an example of a ResourceLimit element:

<ResourceLimit name=”CPUTime”>1000000</ResourceLimit>


Credentials are a special group of job properties that characterize an authenticated token or id. They can be categorized in both requested and delivered forms.

Credential job properties are enumerated in the table below.

Table 25-3: Credential Job Properties

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance Categories
Project String Name of the Project or Charge Account MAY SHOULD RD
GlobalUser String Globally unique user identifier. This may be an X.509 DN for example MAY SHOULD RD
Group String Name of the local group id MAY MAY RD
User String Name of the local user id for the job MAY MUST RD

Environment Element

The Environment element encapsulates environment variables.

  • This element MAY have an export attribute of type Boolean that which if set to True indicates that all environment variables in the context of the job submission process should be exported in the job’s execution environment.
  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • An Environment element MAY appear zero or one times within a given set of Job (or TaskGroup) Properties.
  • An Environment element MAY contain one or more Variable elements.

The following illustrates this element’s syntax:


Variable Element

The Variable element represents an environment variable with its name and value.

This element MUST have a name attribute of type String. A compliant implementation MUST support the name attribute if Variable is supported. This element’s character content is the environment variable’s value.

The following is an example of a Variable element:

<Variable name=”PATH”>/usr/bin:/home/sssdemo</Variable>

Node Element

The Node element represents a node.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • This element MAY appear zero or one times within a given set of Job Properties.
  • This element is of type String.
  • This element MAY have an aggregation attribute of type String that provides a way to indicate multiple values with a single expression. A compliant implementation MAY support the aggregation attribute if the Feature element is supported. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • List - a comma-separated list of features
    • Pattern - a regular expression (perl5) matching desired features
    • Range - a range of nodes of the form: <prefix>[5-23,77]
  • If an aggregation attribute is specified with the value of List, this element MAY also have a delimiter attribute of type String that indicates what delimiter is used to separate list elements. The default list delimiter is a comma.
  • This element MAY have a count attribute of type Integer that indicates the instance count of the specified node(s).
  • This element MAY be categorized as a requested or delivered property by being encompassed by the appropriate element.

The following is an example of a Node element:

<Node aggregation=”Pattern”>node[1-5]</Node>

TaskDistribution Element

The TaskDistribution element describes how tasks are to be mapped to nodes. This mapping may be expressed as a rule name, a task per node ratio or an arbitrary geometry.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • This element MAY appear zero or one times in a given set of Job (or TaskGroup) Properties.
  • This element is of type String.
  • This element MAY have a type attribute of type String that provides a hint as to the type of mapping guidance provided. It may have values including Rule, TasksPerNode, ProcessorsPerTask or Geometry. A compliant implementation MAY support the type attribute if the TaskDistribution element is supported.
  • It is possible to use Processors, NodeCount and TaskCount elements to specify a set of mutually contradictory task parameters. When this occurs, components are responsible for resolving conflicting requirements.

The following are three examples of a TaskDistribution element:

<TaskDistribution type=”TasksPerNode”>2</TaskDistribution>
<TaskDistribution type=”Rule”>RoundRobin</TaskDistribution>
<TaskDistribution type=”Geometry”>{1,4}{2}{3,5}</TaskDistribution>

Dependency Element

The Dependency element allows a job’s execution to depend on the status of other jobs. In a job group (multi-step job), some jobs may delay execution until the failure or success of other jobs creating in general a Directed Acyclic Graph relationship between the jobs. This element’s content is of type String and represents the job that the current job is dependent upon. Since a job may have two or more dependencies, this element may appear more than once in a given job scope. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element if job groups are supported.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • This element MAY appear zero or more times in a given set of Job (or TaskGroup) Properties.
  • This element is of type String and contains the JobId that the current job is dependent upon.
  • This element MAY have a condition attribute of type String that indicates the basis for determining when the current job executes in relation to the specified job. A compliant implementation MUST support this attribute if this element is supported.

    Possible values for this attribute include:
    • OnSuccess this job should run after the referenced job only if it completes successfully (this is the default if the type attribute is omitted)
    • OnFailure this job should run after the referenced job only if it fails
    • OnExit this job should run after the referenced job exits
  • If the condition attribute is equal to OnExit, this element MAY have a code attribute of type Integer that indicates the exit code that will trigger this job to run. If the code attribute is omitted, then the current job should run after the referenced job for any exit status.
  • This element MAY have a designator attribute of type String that indicates that indicates the property of the job that identifies it as the dependent job. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if this element is supported.

    Possible values for this attribute include:
    • JobId the job this job is dependent upon is specified by JobId (this is the default if the designator attribute is omitted)
    • JobName the job(s) this job is dependent upon are specified by JobName

The following is an example of a Dependency element:

<Dependency condition=”OnSuccess” designator=”JobId”>PBS.1234.0</Dependency>

Consumable Resources

Consumable Resources are a special group of properties that can have additional attributes and can be used in multiple contexts. In general a consumable resource is a resource that can be consumed in a measurable quantity.

  • A consumable resource MAY have a context attribute of type String that indicates the sense in which the resource is used. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute. Possible values for this attribute include:
    • Configured — run this task only on nodes having the specified configured resources
    • Available — run this task only on nodes having the specified available resources. (this is the default if the context attribute is omitted)
    • Used — the task used the indicated resources (this is analogous to being including in a Delivered block)
    • Dedicated — the indicated amount of the resource should be dedicated to the task
  • A consumable resource MAY have a units attribute that is of type String that specifies the units by which it is being measured. If this attribute is omitted, a default unit is implied. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if the element is supported.
  • A consumable resource MAY have a metric attribute that is of type String that specifies the type of measurement being described. For example, the measurement may be a Total, an Average, a Min or a Max. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if the element is supported.
  • A consumable resource MAY have a duration attribute of type Duration that indicates the amount of time for which that resource was used. This need only be specified if the resource was used for a different amount of time than the duration for the job. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if the element is supported.
  • A consumable resource MAY have a consumptionRate attribute of type Float that indicates the average percentage that a resource was used over its duration. For example, an overbooked SMP running 100 jobs across 32 processors may wish to scale the usage and charge by the average fraction of processor usage actually delivered. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if the element is supported.
  • A consumable resource MAY have a dynamic attribute of type Boolean that indicates whether the resource allocated for this job should be allowed to grow or shrink dynamically. For example, if processors is specified with dynamic equal to True, the job may be dynamically allocated more processors as they become available. The growth bounds can be indicated via the op attribute which is inherited when a consumable resource element is encapsulated within a Requested element. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute if the element is supported.

A list of simple consumable resources is listed in the table below.

Table 25-4: Simple Consumable Resources

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance Categories
Disk Float Amount of disk MAY SHOULD RD
Memory Float Amount of memory MAY SHOULD RD
Network Float Amount of network MAY MAY RD
Processors Integer Number of processors MAY MUST RD
Swap Float Amount of virtual memory MAY MAY RD

The following are two examples for specifying a consumable resource:

<Memory metric=”Max” units=”GB”>483</Memory>
<Processors duration=”1234” consumptionRate=”0.63”>4</Processors>

Resource Element

In addition to the consumable resources enumerated in the above table, an extensible consumable resource is defined by the Resource element.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.
  • This element MAY appear zero or more times within a given set of job (or task group) properties.
  • Like the other consumable resources, this property MAY be categorized as a requested or delivered property by being encompassed in the appropriate element.
  • This element is of type Float.
  • This element shares the same properties and attributes as the other consumable resources but it requires an additional name (and optional type) attribute to describe it.
  • It MUST have a name attribute of type String that indicates the type of consumable resource being measured. A compliant implementation MUST support this attribute if the element is supported.
  • It MAY have a type attribute of type String that distinguishes it within a general resource class. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute if the element is supported.

The following are two examples for specifying a Resource element:

<Resource name=”License” type=”MATLAB”>1</Resource>
<Resource name=”Telescope” type=”Zoom2000” duration=”750” metric=”KX”>10</Resource>

Extension Element

The Extension element provides a means to pass extensible properties with the job object.

Some applications may find it easier to use a named extension property than discover and handle elements they do not understand or anticipate by name.

  • A compliant implementation MAY support this element.
  • This element MUST have a name attribute of type String that gives the extension property’s name. A compliant implementation MUST support this attribute if this element is supported.
  • This element MAY have a type attribute of type String that characterizes the context within which the property should be understood. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute if this element is supported.
  • This element’s character content, which is of type String, is the extension property’s value.

The following is an example of an Extension element:

<Extension type=”Scheduler” name=”Restartable”>true</Extension>


A job MAY specify one or more task groups.

See the next section for element details.


A job MAY specify zero or more task group defaults.

See the next section for element details.

5.2 Job Reference

When a simple reference to a predefined job is needed in an encapsulating element, a Job element is used with the text content being the job id:

<Job> job123</Job>

6.0 TaskGroup and TaskGroupDefaults Element

The TaskGroup and TaskGroupDefaults elements have the same structure. A TaskGroup element aggregates tasks. A TaskGroupDefaults element may only appear within a Job (or JobDefaults) and represents the defaults to be taken by all task groups within the job. Task group properties in TaskGroup elements override any properties found in a sibling TaskGroupDefaults element.

  • A compliant implementation MAY support the TaskGroup element.
  • A compliant implementation MAY support the TaskGroupDefaults element.
  • A task group MUST specify one or more TaskGroup Properties.
  • One or more Task elements MAY appear at this level.
  • Zero or one TaskDefaults elements MAY appear at this level.

The following illustrates this element’s syntax:

  <!-- TaskGroup Properties -->+
  <!-- Job Properties -->*

6.1 TaskGroup Properties

TaskGroup Properties apply to a particular task group or as default properties to encompassed task groups. These properties include the task group id, its tasks, task defaults, and other simple task group properties.

Simple TaskGroup Properties

Simple (unstructured) task group properties are enumerated in Table 6.

Table 25-5: Simple TaskGroup Properties

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance Categories
TaskCount Integer Number of tasks in this taskgroup MAY MUST
Id String A task group identifier unique within the job MAY MAY
Name String A task group name (such as Master) MAY SHOULD


A task group MAY specify zero or more tasks.

See the next section for element details.


A task group MAY specify zero or more task defaults.

See the next section for element details.

6.2 TaskGroup Reference

When a simple reference to a predefined task group is needed in an encapsulating element, a TaskGroup element is used with the text content being the task group id:

<TaskGroup> tg1</TaskGroup>

7.0 Task and TaskDefaults Element

The Task and TaskDefaults elements have the same structure. A Task element contains information specific to a task (like the process id or the host it ran on). A TaskDefaults element may only appear within a TaskGroup (or TaskGroupDefaults) element and represents the defaults for all tasks within the task group. Task properties in Task elements override any properties found in a sibling TaskDefaults element.

  • A compliant implementation MAY support the TaskGroup element.
  • A compliant implementation MAY support the TaskGroupDefaults element.
  • A task group MUST specify one or more TaskGroup Properties.
  • One or more Task elements MAY appear at this level.
  • Zero or one TaskDefaults elements MAY appear at this level.

The following illustrates this element’s syntax:

  <!-- Task Properties -->+
  <!-- Job Properties -->*

7.1 Task Properties

Task Properties are properties that apply to a particular task or as default properties to encompassed tasks. These properties include the task id and other task properties.

Simple Task Properties

Simple (unstructured) task properties are enumerated in the table below.

Table 25-6: Simple Task Properties

Element Name Type Description Appearance Compliance Categories
Node String Name of the node this task ran on MAY MUST
Session Integer Session id for the task group or job MAY MAY
Id String A task identifier unique within the taskgroup MAY MAY

7.2 Task Reference

When a simple reference to a predefined task is needed in an encapsulating element, a Task element is used with the text content being the task id:


8.0 Property Categories

Certain properties need to be classified as being in a particular category. This is done when it is necessary to distinguish between a property that is requested versus a property that was delivered. When no such distinction is necessary, it is recommended that the property not be enveloped in one of these elements. In general, a property should be enveloped in a category element only if it is expected that the property will need to be attributed to more than one property category, or if it needs to make use of some of the special attributes inherited from the category.

8.1 Requested Element

A requested property reflects properties as they were requested. A disparity might occur between the requested value and the value delivered if a preference was expressed, if multiple options were specified, or if ranges or pattern matching was specified.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.

The following illustrates the syntax of this element:

  <!-- Requested Properties -->+

The following describes the attributes and elements for the example above:


This element is used to encapsulate requested properties.

/Requested/<Requested Property>

Requested properties appear at this level.

Requested Properties inherit some additional attributes.

  • A requested property MAY have an op attribute of type String that indicates a conditional operation on the value. A compliant implementation SHOULD support this attribute. Valid values for the op attribute include EQ meaning equals (which is the default), NE meaning not equal, LT meaning less than, GT meaning greater than, LE meaning less than or equal to, GE meaning greater than or equal to, Match which implies the value is a pattern to be matched.
  • A requested property MAY have a conj attribute of type String that indicates a conjunctive relationship with the previous element. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute. Valid values for the conj attribute include And (which is the default), Or, Nand meaning and not, and Nor meaning or not.
  • A requested property MAY have a group attribute of type Integer that indicates expression grouping and operator precedence much like parenthetical groupings. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute. A positive grouping indicates the number of nested expressions being opened with the property while a negative grouping indicates the number of nested expressions being closed with the property.
  • A requested property MAY have a preference attribute of type Integer that indicates a preference for the property along with a weight (the weights are taken as a ratio to the sum of all weights in the same group). A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute. If a group of positive valued preference alternatives are specified, at least one of the preferences must be satisfied for the job to run. If a group of negative valued preferences are specified, the preferences will try to be met according to their weights but the job will still run even if it can’t satisfy any of the preferred properties. (Weight ranking can be removed by making all weights the same value (1 or -1 for example).
  • A requested property MAY have a performanceFactor attribute of type Float that provides a hint to the scheduler of what performance tradeoffs to make in terms of resources and start time. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute.

The following are four examples of using Requested Properties:

  <Processors op=”GE”>8</Processors>
  <Processors op=”LE”>16</Processors>
  <Node aggregation=”Pattern”>fr15.*</Node>
  <User group=”1”>scottmo</User>
  <Account group=”-1”>mscfops</Account>
  <User conj=”Or” group=”1”>amy</User>
  <Account group=”-1”>chemistry</Account>
  <Memory preference=”2”>1024</Memory>
  <Memory preference=”1”>512</Memory>

8.2 Delivered Element

A delivered property reflects properties as they were actually utilized, realized or consumed. It reflects the actual amounts or values that are used, as opposed to a limit, choice or pattern as may be the case with a requested property.

  • A compliant implementation SHOULD support this element.

The following illustrates the syntax of this element:

  <!-- Delivered Properties -->+

The following describes the attributes and elements for the example above:


This element is used to encapsulate delivered properties.

/Delivered/<Delivered Property>

Delivered properties appear at this level.

Delivered Properties inherit some additional attributes.

  • A delivered property MAY have a group attribute of type Integer that indicates expression grouping and operator precedence much like parenthetical groupings. A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute. A positive grouping indicates the number of nested expressions being opened with the property while a negative grouping indicates the number of nested expressions being closed with the property. The purpose of this attribute would be to logically group delivered properties if they were used in certain aggregations (like a job that spanned machines).

The following are the same four examples distinguishing the delivered amounts and values:


9.0 AwarenessPolicy Attribute

A word or two should be said about compatibility mechanisms. With all the leeway in the specification with regard to implementing various portions of the specification, problems might arise if an implementation simply ignores a portion of a job specification that is critical to the job function in certain contexts. Given this situation, it might be desirable in some circumstances for jobs to be rejected by sites that fail to fully support that job’s element or attributes. At other times, it might be desirable for a job to run, using a best-effort approach to supporting unimplemented features. Consequently, we define an awarenessPolicy attribute which can be added as an optional attribute to the Job element or any other containment or property element to indicate how the property (or the default action for the elements that the containment element encloses) must react when the implementation does not understand an element or attribute.

An awareness policy of Reject will cause the server to return a failure if it receives a client request in which it does not support an associated element name or attribute name or value. It is reasonable for an implementation to ignore (not even look for) an element or attribute that would not be critical to its function as long as ignoring this attribute or element would not cause an incorrect result. However, any element or attribute that was present that would be expected to be handled in a manner that the implementation does not support must result in a failure.

An awareness policy of Warn will accept the misunderstood element or attribute and continue to process the job object on a best effort basis. However a warning MUST be sent (if possible) to the requestor enumerating the elements and attributes that are not understood.

An awareness policy of Ignore will accept the unsupported element or attribute and continue to process the job object on a best effort basis. The action could be to simply ignore the attribute.

  • This name of this attribute is awarenessPolicy.
  • This attribute is of type String.
  • This attribute can have values of Reject, Warn or Ignore.
  • A compliant implementation MAY support this attribute.
  • An implementation that does not support an attribute MUST reject any job object which contains elements or attributes that it does not support. Furthermore, it SHOULD return a message to the requestor with an indication of the element or attribute name it did not understand.
  • This attribute MAY be present in a property or containment element.
  • If an implementation does support the attribute, but it is absent, the default value of Reject is implied.
  • Individual elements in the job object may override the containing object’s awareness policy default by including this attribute. For example, a job might specify an awarenessPolicy of Reject at its root (the Job element) but may want to allow a particular subset of elements or attributes to be ignored if not understood. Conversely, a job with a default awarenessPolicy of Ignore might want to classify a subset of its optional elements as Reject if they are indispensable to its correct interpretation. An implementation can opt to check or not check for this attribute at any level it wants but must assume a Reject policy for any elements it does not check.

10.0 References

ISO 8601

ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Representations of dates and times, 1988-06-15.


XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. Recommendation, 02 MAY 2001.

Appendix A

Units of Measure Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition Quantity
B byte 1 byte
KB Kilobyte 2^10 bytes
MB Megabyte 2^20 bytes
GB Gigabyte 2^30 bytes
TB Terabyte 2^40 bytes
PB Petabyte 2^50 bytes
EB Exabyte 2^60 bytes
ZB Zettabyte 2^70 bytes
YB Yottabyte 2^80 bytes
NB Nonabyte 2^90 bytes
DB Doggabyte 2^100 bytes