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This command is deprecated. Use mdiag instead.
diagnose -a [accountid]
diagnose -b [-l policylevel] [-t partition]
diagnose -c [classid]
diagnose -C [configfile]
diagnose -f [-o user|group|account|qos|class]
diagnose -g [groupid]
diagnose -j [jobid]
diagnose -L
diagnose -m [rackid]
diagnose -n [-t partition] [nodeid]
diagnose -p [-t partition]
diagnose -q [qosid]
diagnose -r [reservationid]
diagnose -R [resourcemanagername]
diagnose -s [standingreservationid]
diagnose -S diagnose -u [userid]
diagnose -v
diagnose -x
The diagnose command is used to display information about various aspects of scheduling and the results of internal diagnostic tests.