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Using the PBS qmgr command, add the Moab administrator as both a manager and operator.
> qmgr Qmgr: set server managers += <MOABADMIN>@*.<YOURDOMAIN> Qmgr: set server operators += <MOABADMIN>@*.<YOURDOMAIN> Qmgr: quit
For example:
> qmgr Qmgr: set server managers += staff@*.ucsd.edu Qmgr: set operators += staff@*.ucsd.edu Qmgr: quit
If desired, the Moab administrator can be enabled as a manager and operator only on the host on which Moab is running by replacing "*.<YOURDOMAIN>" with "<MOABSERVERHOSTNAME>".
If direct Moab to pbs_mom communication is required, the mom_priv/config file on each compute node where pbs_mom runs should be set as in the following example:
$restricted *.<YOURDOMAIN>
For security purposes, sites may want to run Moab under a non-root user id. If so, and Moab-pbs_mom communication is required, the mom_priv/config files must be world-readable and contain the line '$restricted *.<YOURDOMAIN>'. (i.e., '$restricted *.uconn.edu')