Conventions Verifying Fair Scheduling

An important and subjective question is whether the scheduler is scheduling fairly. Look at the user and group statistics to see if there are any glaring problems.

> showstats -u
statistics initialized Wed Dec 31 17:00:00
         |------ Active ------|--------------------------------- Completed -----------------------------------|
user      Jobs Procs ProcHours Jobs    %    PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt  AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
520          1    46    172.88    1   0.00  356.5   0.00  541.3   0.00 -----   1.04   0.00   0.35 100.00 100.00
550          1    20    301.83    7   0.00 3360.0   0.00  283.7   0.00 -----   0.03   0.00   0.06 100.00   3.17
524          1    32    239.73 ---- ------ ------ ------  272.3   0.00 ----- ------ ------ ------ 100.00 ------
570          1    20    301.00   14   0.00 6720.0   0.00  199.5   0.00 -----   0.01   0.00   0.20 100.00   0.34
588          0     0      0.00    1   0.00  768.0   0.00  159.7   0.00 -----   0.21   0.00   0.00 100.00  20.80
578          6     6    146.82 ---- ------ ------ ------   53.2   0.00 ----- ------ ------ ------ 100.00 ------
586          1    32    265.07 ---- ------ ------ ------   22.9   0.00 ----- ------ ------ ------ 100.00 ------
517          0     0      0.00    1   0.00  432.0   0.00    4.8   0.00 -----   0.02   0.00   0.12 100.00   1.10
529          0     0      0.00    1   0.00    0.4   0.00    1.3   0.00 -----   1.00   0.00   0.00 100.00 100.00
> showstats -g
statistics initialized Wed Dec 31 17:00:00
         |------ Active ------|--------------------------------- Completed -----------------------------------|
group     Jobs Procs ProcHours Jobs    %    PHReq    %    PHDed    %   FSTgt  AvgXF  MaxXF  AvgQH  Effic  WCAcc
503          1    32    239.73    1   0.00  432.0   0.00  277.1   0.00 -----   0.02   0.00   0.12 100.00   1.10
501          1    32    265.07 ---- ------ ------ ------   22.9   0.00 ----- ------ ------ ------ 100.00 ------
519          9    92    922.54   24   0.00 11204.9   0.00 1238.6   0.00 -----   0.11   0.00   0.15 100.00  10.33

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