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Moab provides a list of triggers when you run the mdiag -T command. You can view a specific trigger by running mdiag -T in the following format:
mdiag -T [<triggerID>|<objectID>|<triggerName>|<objectType>]
To view a trigger
> mdiag -T trigger.34
> mdiag -T job.493
> mdiag -T jobFailTrigger
> mdiag -T job
The output of the first command would provide basic information about trigger.34; the second command, information about all triggers attached to job.493 that the user can access; the third command, basic information about jobFailTrigger; and the fourth command, basic information about all triggers attached to jobs that the user can access.
> mdiag -T -v job.493
This mode outputs information in multiple lines.
> mdiag -T -v