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Following is an example of how comparative dependencies can be expressed when creating a trigger.
To set and require variables
The trigger sets variable Var2 when it succeeds and variable Var1 when it fails.
AType=exec,Action="/tmp/trigger1.sh",EType=start,Sets=!Var1.Var2 AType=exec,Action="/tmp/trigger2.sh",EType=start,Requires=Var1 AType=exec,Action="/tmp/trigger3.sh",EType=start,Requires=Var2
The second trigger will launch if Var1 has been set (the first trigger failed), and the third trigger will launch if Var2 is set (the first trigger succeeded).
The first trigger fires if Var1 exists and has a value of 45. The second trigger fires if Var2 does not have a string value of failure1.