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This section illustrates the process of setting up preemption on your system from beginning to end and contains examples of what actions to take and what you should see as you go.
Example scenario
For this basic setup example, we will have a user who can submit to either a "test1" or "test2" QoS. This example will use a REQUEUE preemption type.
We will go through three parts to set up this preemption:
Okay, let's get started!
Configuring moab.cfg
First, you will need to make some configurations to the moab.cfg file.
For this example, we also set JOBFLAGS=RESTARTABLE (because this example uses REQUEUE). For more information, see Requeueing jobs with preemption.
Here is an example of how that would all look in a moab.cfg file (text marked red for emphasis).
Now you can submit a job to the preemptee QoS (test1).
Submitting a job to the preemptee QoS
Let's submit a job to the preemptee QoS (test1), requesting all processor cores in the cluster:
[john@g06]# echo sleep 600 | msub -l walltime=600 -l qos=test1 -l procs=128
Take a look at the showq and checkjob output:
Moab.1 [john@g06]# showq active jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS REMAINING STARTTIME Moab.1 john Running 128 00:09:59 Wed Nov 9 15:56:33 1 active job 128 of 128 processors in use by local jobs (100.00%) 2 of 2 nodes active (100.00%) eligible jobs---------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME 0 eligible jobs blocked jobs----------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME 0 blocked jobs Total job: 1
[john@g06]# checkjob Moab.1 job Moab.1 State: Running Creds: user:john group:john qos:test1 WallTime: 00:00:00 of 00:10:00 SubmitTime: Wed Nov 9 15:56:33 (Time Queued Total: 00:00:00 Eligible: 00:00:00) StartTime: Wed Nov 9 15:56:33 Total Requested Tasks: 128 Req[0] TaskCount: 128 Partition: licenses Allocated Nodes: node[01-02]*64 IWD: /opt/native/ SubmitDir: /opt/native/ Executable: /opt/native/spool/moab.job.zOyf1N StartCount: 1 Flags: RESTARTABLE,PREEMPTEE,GLOBALQUEUE,PROCSPECIFIED Attr: PREEMPTEE StartPriority: 100 Reservation 'Moab.1' (-00:00:03 -> 00:09:57 Duration: 00:10:00
Submitting a job to the preemptor QoS
Now we will submit a preemptor QoS job (test2) to preempt the first job (test1):
[john@g06]# echo sleep 600 | msub -l walltime=600 -l qos=test2 -l procs=128
Examine the following output for showq and checkjob:
Moab.2 [john@g06]# showq active jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS REMAINING STARTTIME Moab.2 john Running 128 00:09:59 Wed Nov 9 15:56:47 1 active job 128 of 128 processors in use by local jobs (100.00%) 2 of 2 nodes active (100.00%) eligible jobs---------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME Moab.1 john Idle 128 00:10:00 Wed Nov 9 15:56:33 1 eligible job blocked jobs----------------------- JOBID USERNAME STATE PROCS WCLIMIT QUEUETIME 0 blocked jobs Total jobs: 2
Note that the preemptor job (Moab.2) moved to Running, while the preemptee job (Moab.1) was requeued.
[john@g06]# checkjob Moab.2
job Moab.2
State: Running
Creds: user:john group:john qos:test2
WallTime: 00:02:04 of 00:10:00
SubmitTime: Wed Nov 9 15:56:46
(Time Queued Total: 00:00:01 Eligible: 00:00:00)
StartTime: Wed Nov 9 15:56:47
Total Requested Tasks: 128
Req[0] TaskCount: 128 Partition: licenses
NodeCount: 2
Allocated Nodes:
IWD: /opt/native/
SubmitDir: /opt/native/
Executable: /opt/native/spool/moab.job.ELoX5Q
StartCount: 1
StartPriority: 10000
Reservation 'Moab.2' (-00:02:21 -> 00:07:39 Duration: 00:10:00)
Note the flag, HASPREEMPTED. HASPREEMPTED is set when the PREEMPTOR job has preempted the PREEMPTEE job. Also note that the preemptor job priority plays a very big role in preemption. Generally, you should assign the preemptor a higher priority than any other queued jobs so that it will move to (or near to) the top of the eligible queue.
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