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Resource manager translation allows end-users to continue to use existing job command scripts and familiar job management and resource query commands. This is accomplished by emulating external commands, routing the underlying queries to Moab, and then formatting the responses in a familiar manner. Using translation, job submission clients, job query clients, job control clients, and resource query clients can be emulated making switching from one resource manager to another transparent and preserving investment in legacy scripts, tools, and experience.
To enable translation, you must:
Located in the $MOABHOMEDIR/etc directory are tools-specific configuration files. For each resource manager that has installed translation tools, edit the Moab tools configuration file in the etc directory. For example, if enabling LSF translation, do the following:
> vi $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/config.moab.pl # Set the PATH to include directories for moab client commands — mjobctl, etc. $ENV{PATH} = "/opt/moab/bin:$ENV{PATH}";
In a directory accessible to users, create links to (or copy) the emulation scripts you want your users to use. For example, the emulation script tools/bjobs.lsf.pl could be copied to bin/bjobs, or, a symbolic link could be created in bin/bjobs that points to tools/bjobs.lsf.pl.
> ln -s tools/bjobs.lsf.pl bin/bjobs > ln -s tools/bhosts.lsf.pl bin/bhosts