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As stated previously, the goal of consolidation is to minimize the number of hypervisors with one or more VMs on them. This is accomplished by migrating VMs from lightly utilized hypervisor onto other hypervisors. The primary goal is to completely evacuate as many hypervisors as possible. Additional migrations to make a hypervisor lightly loaded are also desirable. The VMs from a particular hypervisor can be migrated onto more than one target hypervisor.
In terms of values returned by the resource managers, a hypervisor will not allow a VM to be provisioned or a migration to occur that violates a UTILIZATION Threshold (if set) or that violate
or violates:
AllowVMMigration TRUE AggregateNodeActions False VMMigrateThrottle 10 PARCFG[ALL] VMCreateDuration=01:00:00 PARCFG[ALL] VMDeleteDuration=30:00 PARCFG[ALL] VMMigrateDuration=0:40:00 NODECFG[DEFAULT] POWERPOLICY=OnDemand #MaxGreenStandByPoolSize considered a standby pool. Default value is 0 and when 0 is set it disables the standbypool. Nodes can be evaluated based off idle rate to be added to the standby pool. MaxGreenStandByPoolSize 0 PARCFG[xcat] NODEPOWEROFFDURATION=20:00 PARCFG[xcat] NODEPOWERONDURATION=20:00
NodeIdlePowerThreshold 40:00:00 # Time a node must be idle before we shut it down