You are here: Appendices > Appendix C: Node manager (MOM) configuration > Node features and generic consumable resource specification

Node features and generic consumable resource specification

Node features (a.k.a. "node properties") are opaque labels which can be applied to a node. They are not consumable and cannot be associated with a value. (Use generic resources described below for these purposes). Node features are configured within the nodes file on the pbs_server head node. This file can be used to specify an arbitrary number of node features.

Additionally, per node consumable generic resources may be specified using the format "<ATTR> <VAL>" with no leading dollar ("$") character. When specified, this information is routed to the scheduler and can be used in scheduling decisions. For example, to indicate that a given host has two tape drives and one node-locked matlab license available for batch jobs, the following could be specified:



tape 2

matlab 1

Dynamic consumable resource information can be routed in by specifying a path preceded by an exclamation point. (!) as in the example below. If the resource value is configured in this manner, the specified file will be periodically executed to load the effective resource value.



tape !/opt/rm/

matlab !/opt/tools/

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