Appendices > TORQUE Quick Start Guide

Appendix L: TORQUE Quick Start Guide

Initial installation

TORQUE is now hosted at under the adaptivecomputing organization. To download source, you will need to use the git utility. For example: 

[root]# git clone -b 4.2.7 4.2.7

To download a different version, replace each 4.2.7 with the desired version. After downloading a copy of the repository, you can list the current branches by typing git branch -a from within the directory of the branch you cloned.

If you're checking source out from git, read the README.building-40 file in the repository.

Extract and build the distribution on the machine that will act as the "TORQUE server" - the machine that will monitor and control all compute nodes by running the pbs_server daemon. See the example below:

> tar -xzvf torque.tar.gz

> cd torque

> ./configure

> make

> make install

OSX 10.4 users need to change the #define __TDARWIN in src/include/pbs_config.h to #define __TDARWIN_8.

After installation, verify you have PATH environment variables configured for /usr/local/bin/ and /usr/local/sbin/. Client commands are installed to /usr/local/bin and server binaries are installed to /usr/local/sbin.

In this document, TORQUE_HOME corresponds to where TORQUE stores its configuration files. The default is /var/spool/torque.

Initialize/Configure TORQUE on the server (pbs_server)

Install TORQUE on the compute nodes

To configure a compute node do the following on each machine (see page 19, Section 3.2.1 of PBS Administrator's Manual for full details):

Configure TORQUE on the compute nodes

Configure data management on the compute nodes

Data management allows jobs' data to be staged in/out or to and from the server and compute nodes.

Update TORQUE server configuration

On the TORQUE server, append the list of newly configured compute nodes to the TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/nodes file:


Start the pbs_mom daemons on compute nodes

Run the trqauthd daemon to run client commands (see Configuring trqauthd for client commands). This enables running client commands.

Verifying correct TORQUE installation

The pbs_server daemon was started on the TORQUE server when the torque.setup file was executed or when it was manually configured. It must now be restarted so it can reload the updated configuration changes.

# shutdown server

> qterm # shutdown server


# start server

> pbs_server


# verify all queues are properly configured

> qstat -q


# view additional server configuration

> qmgr -c 'p s'


# verify all nodes are correctly reporting

> pbsnodes -a


# submit a basic job

>echo "sleep 30" | qsub


# verify jobs display

> qstat

At this point, the job will not start because there is no scheduler running. The scheduler is enabled in the next step below.

Enabling the scheduler

Selecting the cluster scheduler is an important decision and significantly affects cluster utilization, responsiveness, availability, and intelligence. The default TORQUE scheduler, pbs_sched, is very basic and will provide poor utilization of your cluster's resources. Other options, such as Maui Scheduler or Moab Workload Manager are highly recommended. If using Maui/Moab, refer to the Moab-PBS Integration Guide. If using pbs_sched, start this daemon now.

If you are installing ClusterSuite, TORQUE and Moab were configured at installation for interoperability and no further action is required.

Startup/Shutdown service script for TORQUE/Moab (OPTIONAL)

Optional startup/shutdown service scripts are provided as an example of how to run TORQUE as an OS service that starts at bootup. The scripts are located in the contrib/init.d/ directory of the TORQUE tarball you downloaded. In order to use the script you must:

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