One of the most popular MPI libraries is MPICH available from Argonne National Lab. If using this release, you may want to consider also using the mpiexec tool for launching MPI applications. Support for mpiexec has been integrated into TORQUE.

MPIExec Overview

mpiexec is a replacement program for the script mpirun, which is part of the mpich package. It is used to initialize a parallel job from within a PBS batch or interactive environment. mpiexec uses the task manager library of PBS to spawn copies of the executable on the nodes in a PBS allocation.

Reasons to use mpiexec rather than a script (mpirun) or an external daemon (mpd):

For more information, see the mpiexec homepage.

MPIExec Troubleshooting

Although problems with mpiexec are rare, if issues do occur, the following steps may be useful:

General MPI Troubleshooting

When using MPICH, some sites have issues with orphaned MPI child processes remaining on the system after the master MPI process has been terminated. To address this, TORQUE epilogue scripts can be created that properly clean up the orphaned processes (see Prologue and epilogue scripts).

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