TORQUE Resource Manager

Appendix G: Prologue & Epilogue Scripts

TORQUE provides administrators the ability to run scripts before and/or after each job executes. With such a script, a site can prepare systems, perform node health checks, prepend and append text to output and error log files, cleanup systems, and so forth.

The following table shows which MOM runs which script. All scripts must be in the TORQUE_HOME/mom_priv/ directory and be available on every compute node. Mother Superior, as referenced in the following table, is the pbs_mom on the first node allocated, and the term Sisters refers to pbs_moms, although note that a Mother Superior is also a sister node.

Mother Superior root TORQUE_HOME/mom_priv/ readable and executable by root and NOT writable by anyone besides root (e.g., -r-x------)
user readable and executable by root and other (e.g., -r-x---r-x)
Sister user readable and executable by user and NOT writable by anyone besides user (e.g., -r-x---r-x)
Mother Superior

This script is run after a job cancel request is received from pbs_server and before a kill signal is sent to the job process.

* available in Version 2.1

Script Order of Execution

When jobs start, the order of script execution is prologue followed by prologue.user. On job exit, the order of execution is epilogue.user followed by epilogue unless a job is canceled. In that case, epilogue.precancel is executed first. Epilogue.parallel is executed only on the Sister nodes when the job is completed.

Note The epilogue and prologue scripts are controlled by the system administrator. However, beginning in TORQUE version 2.4 a user epilogue and prologue script can be used on a per job basis. See G.2 Per Job Prologue and Epilogue Scripts for more information.
Note Root squashing is now supported for epilogue and prologue scripts.

G.1 Script Environment

The prolog and epilog scripts can be very simple. On most systems, the script must declare the execution shell using the #!<SHELL> syntax (i.e., '#!/bin/sh'). In addition, the script may want to process context sensitive arguments passed by TORQUE to the script.

Prolog Environment

The following arguments are passed to the prologue, prologue.user, and prologue.parallel scripts:

Argument Description
job id
job execution user name
job execution group name
job name (TORQUE 1.2.0p4 and higher only)
list of requested resource limits (TORQUE 1.2.0p4 and higher only)
job execution queue (TORQUE 1.2.0p4 and higher only)
job account (TORQUE 1.2.0p4 and higher only)

Epilog Environment

TORQUE supplies the following arguments to the epilogue, epilogue.user, epilogue.precancel, and epilogue.parallel scripts:

Argument Description
job id
job execution user name
job execution group name
job name
session id
list of requested resource limits
list of resources used by job
job execution queue
job account
job exit code

The epilogue.precancel script is run after a job cancel request is received by the MOM and before any signals are sent to job processes. If this script exists, it is run whether the canceled job was active or idle.

For all scripts, the environment passed to the script is empty. Also, standard input for both scripts is connected to a system dependent file. Currently, for all systems this is /dev/null. Except for epilogue scripts of an interactive job, prologue.parallel and epilogue.parallel, the standard output and error are connected to input and error files associated with the job. For an interactive job, since the pseudo terminal connection is released after the job completes, the standard input and error point to /dev/null. For prologue.parallel and epilogue.parallel, the user will need to redirect stdout and stderr manually.

G.2 Per Job Prologue and Epilogue Scripts

TORQUE supports per job prologue and epilogue scripts when using the qsub -l option. The syntax is: qsub -l prologue=<prologue_script_path> epilogue=<epilogue_script_path> <script>. The path can be either relative (from the directory where the job is submitted) or absolute. The files must be owned by the user with at least execute and write privileges, and the permissions must not be writeable by group or other.

-r-x------ 1 usertom usertom 24 2009-11-09 16:11
-r-x------ 1 usertom usertom 24 2009-11-09 16:11

$ qsub -l prologue=/home/usertom/dev/ epilogue=/home/usertom/dev/
This job submission executes the prologue script first. When the prologue script is complete, runs. When completes, the epilogue script is executed.

G.3 Prologue and Epilogue Scripts Time Out

TORQUE takes preventative measures against prologue and epilogue scripts by placing an alarm around the scripts execution. By default, TORQUE sets the alarm to go off after 5 minutes of execution. If the script exceeds this time, it will be terminated and the node will be marked down. This timeout can be adjusted by setting the prologalarm parameter in the mom_priv/config file.

Note While TORQUE is executing the epilogue, epilogue.user, or epilogue.precancel scripts, the job will be in the E (exiting) state.

G.4 Prologue Error Processing

If the prologue script executes successfully, it should exit with a zero status. Otherwise, the script should return the appropriate error code as defined in the table below. The pbs_mom will report the script's exit status to pbs_server which will in turn take the associated action. The following table describes each exit code for the prologue scripts and the action taken.

Error Description Action
The script timed out Job will be requeued
The wait(2) call returned an error Job will be requeued
Input file could not be opened Job will be requeued
Permission error
(script is not owned by root, or is writable by others)
Job will be requeued
Successful completion Job will run
Abort exit code Job will be aborted
other Job will be requeued

Example 1

Following are example prologue and epilogue scripts that write the arguments passed to them in the job's standard out file:


echo "Prologue Args:"
echo "Job ID: $1"
echo "User ID: $2"
echo "Group ID: $3"
echo ""

exit 0

Prologue Args:
Job ID: 13724.node01
User ID: user1
Group ID: user1

echo "Epilogue Args:"
echo "Job ID: $1"
echo "User ID: $2"
echo "Group ID: $3"
echo "Job Name: $4"
echo "Session ID: $5"
echo "Resource List: $6"
echo "Resources Used: $7"
echo "Queue Name: $8"
echo "Account String: $9"
echo ""

exit 0

Epilogue Args:
Job ID: 13724.node01
User ID: user1
Group ID: user1
Job Name:
Session ID: 28244
Resource List: neednodes=node01,nodes=1,walltime=00:01:00
Resources Used: cput=00:00:00,mem=0kb,vmem=0kb,walltime=00:00:07
Queue Name: batch
Account String: 

Example 2

The Ohio Supercomputer Center contributed the following scripts:
"prologue creates a unique temporary directory on each node assigned to a job before the job begins to run, and epilogue deletes that directory after the job completes.

Note Having a separate temporary directory on each node is probably not as good as having a good, high performance parallel filesystem.

# Create TMPDIR on all the nodes
# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Ohio Supercomputer Center
# prologue gets 3 arguments:
# 1 -- jobid
# 2 -- userid
# 3 -- grpid
if [ -r $nodefile ] ; then
    nodes=$(sort $nodefile | uniq)
for i in $nodes ; do
    ssh $i mkdir -m 700 $tmp \&\& chown $user.$group $tmp
exit 0

# Clear out TMPDIR
# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Ohio Supercomputer Center
# epilogue gets 9 arguments:
# 1 -- jobid
# 2 -- userid
# 3 -- grpid
# 4 -- job name
# 5 -- sessionid
# 6 -- resource limits
# 7 -- resources used
# 8 -- queue
# 9 -- account
if [ -r $nodefile ] ; then
    nodes=$(sort $nodefile | uniq)
for i in $nodes ; do
    ssh $i rm -rf $tmp
exit 0

Note Prologue, prologue.user and prologue.parallel scripts can have dramatic effects on job scheduling if written improperly.