Job submission is accomplished using the qsub command, which takes a number of command line arguments and integrates such into the specified PBS command file. The PBS command file may be specified as a filename on the qsub command line or may be entered via STDIN.
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By default, job submission is allowed only on the TORQUE server host (host on which pbs_server is running). Enablement of job submission from other hosts is documented in Configuring Job Submit Hosts. |
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Versions of TORQUE earlier than 2.4.5 attempted to apply queue and server defaults to a job that didn't have defaults specified. If a setting still did not have a value after that, TORQUE applied the queue and server maximum values to a job (meaning, the maximum values for an applicable setting were applied to jobs that had no specified or default value). In TORQUE 2.4.5 and later, the queue and server maximum values are no longer used as a value for missing settings. |
Sometimes users will want to submit large numbers of jobs based on the same job script. Rather than using a script to repeatedly call qsub, a feature known as job arrays now exists to allow the creation of multiple jobs with one qsub command. Additionally, this feature includes a new job naming convention that allows users to reference the entire set of jobs as a unit, or to reference one particular job from the set.
Job arrays are submitted through the -t option to qsub, or by using #PBS -t in your batch script. This option takes a comma-separated list consisting of either a single job ID number, or a pair of numbers separated by a dash. Each of these jobs created will use the same script and will be running in a nearly identical environment.
> qstat -t 0-4 job_script 1098[].hostname > qstat 1098[0].hostname ... 1098[1].hostname ... 1098[2].hostname ... 1098[3].hostname ... 1098[4].hostname ...
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Versions of TORQUE earlier than 2.3 had different semantics for the -t argument. In these versions, -t took a single integer number—a count of the number of jobs to be created. |
Each 1098[x] job has an environment variable called PBS_ARRAYID, which is set to the value of the array index of the job, so 1098[0].hostname would have PBS_ARRAYID set to 0. This allows you to create job arrays where each job in the array performs slightly different actions based on the value of this variable, such as performing the same tasks on different input files. One other difference in the environment between jobs in the same array is the value of the PBS_JOBNAME variable.
# These two examples are equivalent in TORQUE 2.2 > qsub -t 0-99 > qsub -t 100 # You can also pass comma delimited lists of ids and ranges: > qsub -t 0,10,20,30,40 > qsub -t 0-50,60,70,80
Running qstat displays a job summary, which provides an overview of the array's state. To see each job in the array, run qstat -t.
The qalter, qdel, qhold, and qrls commands can operate on arrays—either the entire array or a range of that array. Additionally, any job in the array may be accessed normally by using that job's ID, just as you would with any other job. For example, running the following command would run only the specified job:
qrun 1098[0].hostname
The slot limit is a way for administrators to limit the number of jobs from a job array that can be eligible for scheduling at the same time. When a slot limit is used, TORQUE puts a hold on all jobs in the array that exceed the slot limit. When an eligible job in the array completes, TORQUE removes the hold flag from the next job in the array. Slot limits can be declared globally with the max_slot_limit paramter, or on a per-job basis with qsub -t.
Various resources can be requested at the time of job submission. A job can request a particular node, a particular node attribute, or even a number of nodes with particular attributes. Either native TORQUE resources, or external scheduler resource extensions may be specified. The native TORQUE resources are listed in the following table:
Resource | Format | Description | ||
arch | string | Specifies the administrator defined system architecture required. This defaults to whatever the PBS_MACH string is set to in "". | ||
cput | seconds, or [[HH:]MM:]SS | Maximum amount of CPU time used by all processes in the job. | ||
epilogue | string | Specifies a user owned epilogue script which will be run before the system epilogue and epilogue.user scripts at the completion of a job. The syntax is epilogue=<file>. The file can be designated with an absolute or relative path. | ||
file | size* | The amount of total disk requested for the job. (Ignored on Unicos.) | ||
host | string | Name of the host on which the job should be run. This resource is provided for use by the site's scheduling policy. The allowable values and effect on job placement is site dependent. | ||
mem | size* | Maximum amount of physical memory used by the job. (Ignored on Darwin, Digital Unix, Free BSD, HPUX 11, IRIX, NetBSD, and SunOS. Also ignored on Linux if number of nodes is not 1. Not implemented on AIX and HPUX 10.) | ||
nice | integer | Number between -20 (highest priority) and 19 (lowest priority). Adjust the process execution priority. | ||
nodes | {<node_count> | <hostname>} [:ppn=<ppn>][:gpus=<gpu>][:<property>[:<property>]...] [+ ...] |
Number and/or type of nodes to be reserved for exclusive use by the job. The value is one or more node_specs joined with the + (plus) character: node_spec[+node_spec...]. Each node_spec is a number of nodes required of the type declared in the node_spec and a name of one or more properties desired for the nodes. The number, the name, and each property in the node_spec are separated by a : (colon). If no number is specified, one (1) is assumed.
The name of a node is its hostname. The properties of nodes are:
opsys | string | Specifies the administrator defined operating system as defined in the MOM configuration file. | ||
other | string | Allows a user to specify site specific information. This resource is provided for use by the site's scheduling policy. The allowable values and effect on job placement is site dependent.
pcput | seconds, or [[HH:]MM:]SS | Maximum amount of CPU time used by any single process in the job. | ||
placement | [numa=X][[:]sockets=Y][:usethreads] | Specifies the task placement of jobs. | ||
pmem | size* | Maximum amount of physical memory used by any single process of the job. (Ignored on Fujitsu. Not implemented on Digital Unix and HPUX.) | ||
procs | procs=<integer> | (Applicable in version 2.5.0 and later.) The number of processors to be allocated to a job. The processors can come from one or more qualified node(s). Only one procs declaration may be used per submitted qsub command.> qsub -l nodes=3 -1 procs=2 |
procs_bitmap | string | A string made up of 1's and 0's in reverse order of the processor cores requested. A procs_bitmap=1110 means the job requests a node that has four available cores, but the job runs exclusively on cores two, three, and four. With this bitmap, core one is not used. | ||
prologue | string | Specifies a user owned prologue script which will be run after the system prologue and prologue.user scripts at the beginning of a job. The syntax is prologue=<file>. The file can be designated with an absolute or relative path. | ||
pvmem | size* | Maximum amount of virtual memory used by any single process in the job. (Ignored on Unicos.) | ||
software | string | Allows a user to specify software required by the job. This is useful if certain software packages are only available on certain systems in the site. This resource is provided for use by the site's scheduling policy. The allowable values and effect on job placement is site dependent. (See Scheduler License Management in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator's Guide for more information.) | ||
vmem | size* | Maximum amount of virtual memory used by all concurrent processes in the job. (Ignored on Unicos.) | ||
walltime | seconds, or [[HH:]MM:]SS | Maximum amount of real time during which the job can be in the running state. |
The size format specifies the maximum amount in terms of bytes or words. It is expressed in the form integer[suffix]. The suffix is a multiplier defined in the following table ('b' means bytes (the default) and 'w' means words). The size of a word is calculated on the execution server as its word size.
Suffix | Multiplier | |
b | w | 1 |
kb | kw | 1024 |
mb | mw | 1,048,576 |
gb | gw | 1,073,741,824 |
tb | tw | 1,099,511,627,776 |
Usage | Description |
> qsub -l nodes=12 |
request 12 nodes of any type |
> qsub -l nodes=2:server+14 |
request 2 "server" nodes and 14 other nodes (a total of 16) - this specifies two node_specs, "2:server" and "14" |
> qsub -l nodes=server:hippi+10:noserver+3:bigmem:hippi |
request (a) 1 node that is a "server" and has a "hippi" interface, (b) 10 nodes that are not servers, and (c) 3 nodes that have a large amount of memory and have hippi |
> qsub -l nodes=b2005+b1803+b1813 |
request 3 specific nodes by hostname |
> qsub -l nodes=4:ppn=2 |
request 2 processors on each of four nodes |
> qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=4 |
request 4 processors on one node |
> qsub -l nodes=2:blue:ppn=2+red:ppn=3+b1014 |
request 2 processors on each of two blue nodes, three processors on one red node, and the compute node "b1014" |
> qsub -l mem=200mb /home/user/
> qsub -l nodes=node01,mem=200mb /home/user/
When generic resources have been assigned to nodes using the server's nodes file, these resources can be requested at the time of job submission using the other field. (See Consumable Generic Resources in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator's Guide for details on configuration within Moab).
> qsub -l other=matlab /home/user/
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This can also be requested at the time of job submission using the -W x=GRES:matlab flag. |
When floating resources have been set up inside Moab, they can be requested in the same way as generic resources. Moab will automatically understand that these resources are floating and will schedule the job accordingly. (See Floating Generic Resources in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator's Guide for details on configuration within Moab.)
> qsub -l other=matlab /home/user/
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This can also be requested at the time of job submission using the -W x=GRES:matlab flag. |
Many other resources can be requested at the time of job submission using the Moab Workload Manager. See Resource Manager Extensions in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator's Guide for a list of these supported requests and correct syntax.
When a batch job is started, a number of variables are introduced into the job's environment that can be used by the batch script in making decisions, creating output files, and so forth. These variables are listed in the following table:
Variable | Description |
PBS_JOBNAME | user specified jobname |
PBS_ARRAYID | zero-based value of job array index for this job (in version 2.2.0 and later) |
PBS_O_WORKDIR | job's submission directory |
PBS_TASKNUM | number of tasks requested |
PBS_O_HOME | home directory of submitting user |
PBS_MOMPORT | active port for MOM daemon |
PBS_O_LOGNAME | name of submitting user |
PBS_O_LANG | language variable for job |
PBS_JOBCOOKIE | job cookie |
PBS_NODENUM | node offset number |
PBS_O_SHELL | script shell |
PBS_O_JOBID | unique pbs job id |
PBS_O_HOST | host on which job script is currently running |
PBS_QUEUE | job queue |
PBS_NODEFILE | file containing line delimited list on nodes allocated to the job |
PBS_O_PATH | path variable used to locate executables within job script |
By default, only the node running the pbs_server daemon is allowed to submit jobs. Additional nodes can be trusted as submit hosts by taking any of the following steps:
See Job Submission Host Advanced Config for more information.
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If allow_node_submit is set, the parameter allow_proxy_user must be set to allow user proxying when submitting/running jobs. |
The following is an example job test script:
#!/bin/sh # #This is an example script # #These commands set up the Grid Environment for your job: #PBS -N ExampleJob #PBS -l nodes=1,walltime=00:01:00 #PBS -q np_workq #PBS -M #PBS -m abe #print the time and date date #wait 10 seconds sleep 10 #print the time and date again date