4.0 Setting server policies > 4.1 Queue configuration > 4.1.1 Queue attributes

4.1.1 Queue attributes

This section lists the following queue attributes:

This section also lists some queue resource limits (see Assigning queue resource limits).

For Boolean attributes, T, t, 1, Y, and y are all synonymous with "TRUE," and F, f, 0, N, and n all mean "FALSE."

Format <GROUP>[@<HOST>][+<USER>[@<HOST>]]...
Default ---

Specifies the list of groups which may submit jobs to the queue. If acl_group_enable is set to true, only users with a primary group listed in acl_groups may utilize the queue.

If the PBSACLUSEGROUPLIST variable is set in the pbs_server environment, acl_groups checks against all groups of which the job user is a member.


> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_groups=staff"
> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_groups+=ops@h2"
> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_groups+=staff@h3"

Used in conjunction with acl_group_enable.

Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description If TRUE, constrains TORQUE to only allow jobs submitted from groups specified by the acl_groups parameter.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_group_enable=true"
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description If TRUE, acl_groups will be checked against all groups of which the job users is a member.
Example ---
Format <HOST>[+<HOST>]...
Default ---
Description Specifies the list of hosts that may submit jobs to the queue.

qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_hosts=h1+h2+h3"

Used in conjunction with acl_host_enable.

Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description If TRUE, constrains TORQUE to only allow jobs submitted from hosts specified by the acl_hosts parameter.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_logic_or=true"
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description If TRUE, user and group acls are logically OR'd together, meaning that either acl may be met to allow access. If FALSE or unset, then both acls are AND'd, meaning that both acls must be satisfied.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_logic_or=true"
Format <USER>[@<HOST>][+<USER>[@<HOST>]]...
Default ---
Description Specifies the list of users who may submit jobs to the queue. If acl_user_enable is set to TRUE, only users listed in acl_users may use the queue.

> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_users=john"
> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_users+=steve@h2"
> qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_users+=stevek@h3"

Used in conjunction with acl_user_enable.

Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description If TRUE, constrains TORQUE to only allow jobs submitted from users specified by the acl_users parameter.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch acl_user_enable=true"
Format <type>[+<type>]...
Default ---
Description Specifies classes of jobs that are not allowed to be submitted to this queue. Valid types are interactive, batch, rerunable, nonrerunable, fault_tolerant (as of version 2.4.0 and later), fault_intolerant (as of version 2.4.0 and later), and job_array (as of version 2.4.1 and later).
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch disallowed_types = interactive"
qmgr -c "set queue batch disallowed_types += job_array"
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description Specifies whether the queue accepts new job submissions.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch enabled=true"
Format <INTEGER>
Default 0
Description Specifies the number of seconds jobs should be held in the Completed state after exiting.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch keep_completed=120"
Format <INTEGER>
Default 2
Description Specifies the number of seconds between sending a SIGTERM and a SIGKILL to a job being canceled.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch kill_delay=30"
Format <INTEGER>
Default unlimited
Description Specifies the maximum number of jobs allowed in the queue at any given time (includes idle, running, and blocked jobs).
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch max_queuable=20"
Format <INTEGER>
Default unlimited
Description Specifies the maximum number of jobs in the queue allowed to run at any given time.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch max_running=20"
Format <INTEGER>
Default unlimited
Description Specifies the maximum number of jobs, per user, allowed in the queue at any given time (includes idle, running, and blocked jobs). Version 2.1.3 and greater.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch max_user_queuable=20"
Format <INTEGER>
Default unlimited
Description Specifies the maximum number of jobs, per user, in the queue allowed to run at any given time.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch max_user_run=10"
Format <INTEGER>
Default 0
Description Specifies the priority value associated with the queue.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch priority=20"
Format One of e, execution, r, or route (see Creating a routing queue)
Default ---

Specifies the queue type.

This value must be explicitly set for all queues.

Example qmgr -c "set queue batch queue_type=execution"
Format <STRING>
Default ---
Description Specifies to cumulative resources available to all jobs running in the queue.

qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_available.nodect=20"

You must restart pbs_server for changes to take effect.

Also, resources_available is constrained by the smallest of queue.resources_available and server.resources_available.

Format <STRING>
Default ---
Description Specifies default resource requirements for jobs submitted to the queue.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_default.walltime=3600"
Format <STRING>
Default ---
Description Specifies the maximum resource limits for jobs submitted to the queue.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_max.nodect=16"
Format <STRING>
Default ---
Description Specifies the minimum resource limits for jobs submitted to the queue.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_min.nodect=2"


Default ---

Specifies the potential destination queues for jobs submitted to the associated routing queue.

This attribute is only valid for routing queues (see Creating a routing queue).


> qmgr -c "set queue route route_destinations=fast"
> qmgr -c "set queue route route_destinations+=slow"
> qmgr -c "set queue route route_destinations+=medium@hostname"

To set multiple queue specifications, use multiple commands:

> qmgr -c 's s route_destinations=batch'
> qmgr -c 's s route_destinations+=long'
> qmgr -c 's s route_destinations+=short'

Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description Specifies whether jobs in the queue are allowed to execute.
Example qmgr -c "set queue batch started=true"

Resources may include one or more of the following: arch, mem, nodes, ncpus, nodect, procct, pvmem, and walltime.

Assigning queue resource limits

Administrators can use resources limits to help direct what kind of jobs go to different queues. There are four queue attributes where resource limits can be set: resources_available, resources_default, resources_max, and resources_min. The list of supported resources that can be limited with these attributes are arch, mem, ncpus, nodect, nodes, procct, pvmemvmem, and walltime.

Resource Format Description
arch string Specifies the administrator defined system architecture required.
mem size Amount of physical memory used by the job. (Ignored on Darwin, Digital Unix, Free BSD, HPUX 11, IRIX, NetBSD, and SunOS. Also ignored on Linux if number of nodes is not 1. Not implemented on AIX and HPUX 10.)
ncpus integer An artifact of job centric mode is that if a job does not have an attribute set, the server and routing queue defaults are not applied when queue resource limits are checked. Consequently, a job that requests 32 nodes (not ncpus=32) will not be checked against a min_resource.ncpus limit.
nodect integer Sets the number of nodes available. By default, TORQUE will set the number of nodes available to the number of nodes listed in the $TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/nodes file. nodect can be set to be greater than or less than that number. Generally, it is used to set the node count higher than the number of physical nodes in the cluster.
nodes integer Specifies the number of nodes.
procct integer

Sets limits on the total number of execution slots (procs) allocated to a job. The number of procs is calculated by summing the products of all node and ppn entries for a job.

For example qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=2+3:ppn=4 job.sh would yield a procct of 16. 2*2 (2:ppn=2) + 3*4 (3:ppn=4).

pvmem size Amount of virtual memory used by any single process in a job.
vmem size Amount of virtual memory used by all concurrent processes in the job.
walltime seconds, or [[HH:]MM:]SS Amount of real time during which a job can be in a running state.


The size format specifies the maximum amount in terms of bytes or words. It is expressed in the form integer[suffix]. The suffix is a multiplier defined in the following table ("b" means bytes [the default] and "w" means words). The size of a word is calculated on the execution server as its word size.

Suffix Multiplier
b w 1
kb kw 1024
mb mw 1,048,576
gb gw 1,073,741,824
tb tw 1,099,511,627,776

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