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Synchronizing job template names

If you have installed Moab using the Cloud parameter, there will be four default job templates in your moab.cfg file. By default these job templates are named:

Job template name Description
genericVm Used to allocate a service instance that represents a virtual machine
genericPM Used to allocate a service instance that represents a physical machine
OSStorage Used to allocate a service instance that represents operating system storage
extraStorage Used to allocate a service instance that represents extra storage

Viewpoint looks for these job template names, as specified by the default settings of the ViewpointConfig.groovy file:

custsvc.vm_template = "genericVM"
custsvc.pm_template = "genericPM"
custsvc.networkstore_template = "extraStorage"
custsvc.osstore_template = "OSStorage"

However, it is possible for you to name these job templates in your moab.cfg file anything you want. If you have changed the names of those job templates in moab.cfg, you will need to synch the name in the ViewpointConfig.groovy file so that Viewpoint can identify the job templates.

For example, say you have named your job template for VM jobs in the moab.cfg file to be vmTemplate. To map Viewpoint to that template name, you would make this change in your ViewpointConfig.groovy file:

custsvc.vm_template = "vmTemplate"

You will need to repeat this process and update every job template that is named something different in the moab.cfg file than the default names mentioned above.

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