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Setting the LDAP configuration

It is highly encouraged that you configure Viewpoint to trust the LDAP/Active Directory server certificate for a secure LDAP SSL connection. For more information, see Securing a Viewpoint-LDAP/Active Directory connection.

To set the LDAP configuration

  1. As an administrator with Viewpoint configuration privileges, go to the Configuration page and choose the LDAP Configuration option (Administration > Configuration). For more information, see Fields: Configuration Home.
  2. The LDAP Configuration form appears, and most of the fields are automatically populated by Moab Web Services. For details, see Fields: LDAP Configuration.

  3. Specify the Bind Password, as necessary. For details, see Fields: LDAP Configuration.
  4. When you are finished, choose Update to save your changes.

Once your LDAP connection has been configured, your LDAP users will be able to log in to Viewpoint.

Make sure that you create principals for your LDAP users and user groups to assign the correct roles and permissions to the corresponding users. For more information, see About principal management.

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