The following offers an explanation for how to install Moab Viewpoint 2.0.2. This page is composed of the following sections:
Viewpoint 2.0.2 is designed to work in concert with a number of other technologies. For the best experience, please use the following list of components with this version of Viewpoint:
Viewpoint requires the Java Runtime Environment from Sun/Oracle version 6.0 or higher. Other implementations of the Java Runtime Environment, such as OpenJDK or GIJ, will not run on Viewpoint as expected. |
A few steps are required before the automated installation can take place:
As an example, you could run the following commands:
mkdir /opt/viewpoint chown tomcat6 /opt/viewpoint
This is necessary if you are using the package-manager version of Tomcat. "tomcat6" is the standard user for Tomcat 6.0. You should use the same owner as "/var/lib/tomcat" chown tomcat6:tomcat6 /opt/viewpoint. |
By default, the Viewpoint configuration files are written to "/opt/viewpoint". To override the default configuration location, define the environment variable VIEWPOINT_HOME with a path such as /home/name/viewpoint. The Viewpoint home directory must be empty in order for the installation to occur correctly. Even hidden files will cause the installation to fail.
adaptive@viewpoint:~$ mysql -uadmin -p Enter password: mysql> CREATE DATABASE viewpoint; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec) mysql> GRANT ALL ON viewpoint.* TO viewpoint@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'p@ssw0rd'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.31 sec) mysql> GRANT ALL ON viewpoint.* TO viewpoint@ IDENTIFIED BY 'p@ssw0rd'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.31 sec)
Verify that it ran correctly using a query such as mysql -u viewpoint viewpoint. |
For more information, see ADMINCFG in Appendix F: Scheduler Parameters in the Moab Workload Manager documentation.
Reporting is an optional feature. If you do not want to use the reporting feature, do not copy the reporting.war file as it runs as a service and increases Viewpoint's memory footprint. |
In order to avoid potential java.lang.OutOfMemoryError issues, if you're going to use the reporting feature, or if you are going to view high volumes of jobs (around 10,000), you should increase Tomcat's memory. Add the following configuration setting to your other JAVA_OPTS settings in your Tomcat init script:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
If you are using MySQL, you must download the MySQL database connection library, untar it, and copy the mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar file to Tomcat's lib directory (normally $Catalina-Home/lib; for example, /usr/share/tomcat6/lib). |
When all the prerequisites have been met, you can start the Viewpoint installer by visiting this URL ([hostname] is the hostname of the Tomcat server):
The initial screen requests your Moab license and the type of connection Viewpoint has to the Moab server. Viewpoint can communicate with the Moab server in one of three ways:
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SSH - Password - Selecting this connection type loads another form that allows you to specify the secure connection details.
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SSH - Public Key - Selecting this connection type loads another form that allows you to specify the secure connection details.
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Fill out the form and click Next to test the Moab connection. Clicking Next loads the Database Settings page only if the Moab connection test is successful.
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Viewpoint supports connections to four different databases.
Fill out the form and click Next to test the database connection. Clicking Next loads the Security page only if the database connection test is successful.
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On the Security page you can choose how to authenticate Viewpoint users. You can use Viewpoint Login security, LDAP, or Single sign-on (SSO).
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Selecting Viewpoint Login at the Security screen allows you to specify a password for the Viewpoint administrator. This password is stored in the Viewpoint database.
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Selecting LDAP at the Security screen allows you to specify an LDAP server as your authentication mechanism.
This only sets up the connection to the LDAP server, but does not allow the LDAP users to authenticate. To configure your LDAP users to authenticate to Viewpoint, you must configure the permissions map.
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Selecting SSO at the Security screen allows you to specify your SSO configuration.
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The Summary page provides a review of the settings you've entered throughout the installer. You can now click Install which:
If these actions are successful, a message instructs you to restart Tomcat. After Tomcat is restarted, you can connect to Viewpoint at:
Viewpoint logs to /tmp/viewpoint.log if the logging configuration can't be parsed. |