Moab Viewpoint
Viewpoint Reports

Specifying Available Reports

You can specify whether a user can generate reports. On the Reporting page, users choose from a list of available options, which report(s) to run.

Navigation components

Report output can be delivered in HTML, PDF, Excel, and, through the BIRT Viewer export function, in postscript. The following are the currently available reports:

Jobs and Proc Hours by Credential
List report of processor hours and jobs by credential. The data is displayed in table format by year, then by month.
Credential: User, Group, Account, Quality of Service
Jobs and Proc Hours by Month
Presents a bar chart of the chosen year with total processor hours and jobs for each month.
Jobs and Proc Hours by Quarter and Year Bar Chart
Bar chart with totals for jobs and processor hours by quarter and year.
Jobs Submitted
Presents the jobs submitted by credential (user, group, account and quality of service) for the supplied time in table format with name and total of jobs.
  • Credential: User, Group, Account, Quality of Service
  • Start Time
  • End Time
Jobs Submitted and Completed Line Chart
Line chart showing number of jobs over the specified time and for the specified credential with the option of showing completed jobs.
  • Credential: User, Group, Account, Quality of Service
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Option to show time without submitted jobs or zero values
  • Option to view by submitted jobs or completed jobs
Total Active Proc Count
Line chart showing the number of active processors over the specified time and for the specified credential and credential name.
  • Credential User, Group, Account, Quality of Service
  • Credential Name
  • Start Time
  • End Time
Total Queue Time
Table and pie chart views of queue hours over the specified time and for the specified credential.
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Credential: User, Group, Account, Quality of Service
  • Show or Hide Zero Values
Used Wallclock Time
Table and pie chart views of used wallclock hour for the specified time and for the specified credential.
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Credential: User, Group, Account, Quality of Service

Customizing the Reporting Page

You can select which reports are available by modifying the reporting.xml file that is located in the Viewpoint home directory. Use the following example as a guide:

<reporting xsi:schemaLocation=" reporting.xsd">
      <display-name>Jobs Submitted</display-name>
	  <description>Presents the Jobs submitted by credential (user, group, account and quality of service) for the supplied time in table format with name and total of jobs</description>
	  <display-name>Total Queue Time</display-name>
	  <description>Table and pie chart views of queue hours over the specified time and for the specified credential (user, group, qos and account)</description>
	  <display-name>Used Wallclock Time</display-name>
	  <description>Pie chart and table views of used wallclock hours for the specified time and for the specified credential (user, group, qos and account)</description>

  • Each <report> element contains the information for a single report.
  • The <display-name> element is the name that is visible on the Viewpoint Reporting page.
  • The <name> element is the actual file name of the report BIRT loads. BIRT reports end with the rptdesign extension. The .rptdesign files must be included in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/reporting/report/{category}/{name}.
  • The <display-category> element is the viewable report category on the Viewpoint Reporting page.
  • The <category> element is the directory into which the actual report is uploaded on the server in the reporting webapp report directory, or in other words /reporting/report.
  • The <description> element contains a visible description for the report viewable on the Viewpoint Reporting page.