12.1.3 Configuring the Archive Element

Archives can be created by the user to back up reservations. Users can then restore environments when needed. Components in the Create Archive page are configurable in the vpcs.xml file. A user opens the Create Archive page in the Manage environment by selecting the reservation and clicking the Create Archive icon.

Archive dialog box

The following sample archive section of the vpcs.xml file demonstrates the configuration used to generate the Create Archive page:

    <create enabled="true" cutoff-date="9">
        <create-archive-script host="moab"
        path="/opt/moab/tools/create.archive.pl" />
        <storage-options display="false">
            <option id="san" display-value="San" cost="2.82" />
            <option id="1" display-value="1 Month" />
            <option id="2" display-value="2 Months" />
            <option id="3" display-value="3 Months" />
        <archive-billable value="true" />
    <restore enabled="true">
        <restore-script host="moab"
        path="/opt/moab/tools/restore.backup.pl" />

The following are descriptions of key <archive> elements: