1.3 Configuring the Connection to Moab

In order to function, a Viewpoint client must connect to a Moab server. However, creating a new server connection on demand can be expensive in terms of time and resources. The primary purpose of the connection manager module is to recycle existing connections, thus avoiding the cost of creating new ones. Note that factors such as network latency, resource utilization on the Moab and Viewpoint servers, and the network proximity of the Moab and Viewpoint servers affect application performance and user experience; take these factors into consideration when fine-tuning for optimal performance.

To configure a connection, do the following:

  1. Open the core.xml file located in the Viewpoint home directory.
  2. Specify the type attribute in the <moab-connection> element. The value can be one of:
    • ssh-password (SSH password authentication) - A connection to the Moab server via SSH that requires password authentication.
    • ssh-key (SSH private key authentication) - A connection to the Moab server via SSH that requires private key authentication.
    • local - A local connection to Moab that operates through a shell.
    • process - A local connection to Moab that directly invokes commands. This is more secure than local, but will disable some features in Viewpoint.
  3. Configure the required elements, which differ for each of the connection types. Element details are included in the sections that follow.
    • Required elements for ssh-password are host, user, and password.
    • Required elements for ssh-key are host, user, public-key-path, and password.
    • Neither the process nor the local connection types have any required elements.
  4. Configure optional elements according to preferences. Element details are included in the sections that follow.

1.3.1 Required Elements for SSH Password Authentication

1.3.2 Optional Elements for SSH Password Authentication

1.3.3 Sample Configuration for SSH Password-Authenticated Moab Connection

<moab-connection type="ssh-password">
    <!-- required elements -->
    <!-- optional elements -->

1.3.4 Required Elements for SSH Private Key Authentication

For both authentication models (password and private key), the required <host> and <user> elements are the same, but the following required elements are unique for SSH private key authentication:

Note Optional elements for private key and password authentication are the same.

1.3.5 Sample Configuration for SSH Private-Key-Authenticated Moab Connection

<moab-connection type="ssh-key">
    <!-- required elements -->
    <!-- optional elements -->

1.3.6 Moab Workload Manager Configuration Requirements

To connect Viewpoint and a Moab Workload Manager, you must verify the following conditions are met:

Include the Viewpoint user in the admin level 1 group of the ADMINCFG[1] parameter. Also, proxying must be enabled. For example:


If you do not specify the Moab path (<moab-path>), you must then include the location of the Moab client commands in the Viewpoint user's $PATH environment variable.

1.3.7 Sample Configuration for a Local Moab Connection

<moab-connection type="local">
    <!-- optional elements -->

1.3.8 Sample Configuration for a Process Moab Connection

<moab-connection type="process">
    <!-- optional elements -->