Configuring the Request Element

This section explains how to define the appropriate mshow -a command during the create VPC process. In order to get the VPC transaction, there needs to be a valid mshow -a command, which is the Moab command that Viewpoint runs to submit requests. You can configure the command according to your specific needs.

This section is evaluated when the user attempts to verify their current VPC request. When the user is finished configuring their VPC requirements with the resources they want, they verify the availability using an mshow request, which is defined in this section.

Viewpoint always uses the following arguments for any mshow:

Additionally, the following flags are always used (using --flags):

The following are optional arguments and flags that Viewpoint supports: Requirements

The <request> element can support any number of <requirement> child elements. In order for the mshow command to be meaningful, you should have at least one <requirement> element. This element defines one or more where clauses. These where clauses make up the majority of any mshow command and they specify the resources for each desired reservation on the VPC.

Note The <requirement> elements are directly related to the information stored in the <requirement-data> element in the user's request queue. Viewpoint asks Moab for the resources the user specified in their current request queue.

There are three types of <requirement> elements. Each <requirement> element must have an attribute type with one of these values:

Currently, the "single-dynamic" and "dynamic" requirements must have an id that This corresponds to the <requirement-data> element in the queue section. Verify the "single-dynamic" and "dynamic" requirements map to the appropriate queue item data.

Also, for any requirement, value deciders can use the keyword "queue-count" to get the number of items in the queue. This is useful if, in a value decider, you need to know the amount of reservations the user is requesting.

Here is an example:

<calculate binary-operation="multiply">
  <component id="queue-count" />

Supported Attributes

The following are supported children elements of the <requirement> element. Each element listed below maps to a request attribute for a where clause. These elements accept either a boolean decider, a date decider, a duration decider, an integer decider, or a string decider.