The Viewpoint Moab Events page allows you to query major events that have been reported to the Moab event log. These events include JOBSTART, JOBEND, and JOBMODIFY. By default, the event log is maintained in the statistics directory and rolls on a daily basis. However, in order to use the Moab Events feature, Moab needs to be configured to report its events to a database instead of to files in the statistics directory. To configure Moab to report events to the database, see Database Configuration.
Viewpoint, Moab, and the Moab database need to be running on machines that are in the same time zone. They also need to react the same way to Daylight Savings Time changes. For example, Arizona and Utah are both technically on Mountain Standard Time (MST) but if Daylight Savings Time (DST) is in effect, it will be a different time in Utah than in Arizona. You don't want to have Viewpoint and the database running in different time zones. This is important in order for events to be queried accurately. For example, if it's 12:15 PM in the time zone where Moab is running, it must also be 12:15 PM in the time zone where Viewpoint is running and where the database running Moab Events is located. The Web browser can be located anywhere, but the time stamp on the Moab Events page will display the time zone where Viewpoint is located. If you choose to have Viewpoint and the database run in different time zones, event queries that involve date or time will not be accurate.
Event log filters are used to save and load queries on the Moab Events page. This allows you to quickly retrieve saved filters without having to fill in the form each time. Saved filters are stored using the internal Viewpoint database so you will still see your filters even if you are logged in on a different machine. When you open the Moab Events page, the filter criteria is set to the current date by default.
You can create a filter which will allow you to query data by:
The list of events returned are listed by:
Moab Events allows you to delete or rename previously created filters. Once a filter is created, it is stored in the Viewpoint database. Click Manage Filters from the Moab Events page. To close this dialog, click Close or press the Escape key