1 – Setup and customization > 1.3 Viewpoint customization > Customizing Viewpoint to specific markets or customers

Customizing Viewpoint to specific markets or customers

Some nomenclature within Viewpoint is configurable. Marketization is the process of defining objects, or in most cases, words, that can be tailored to meet specific market or customer needs.

The message.properties file contains a dictionary of keys that map to market, or customer-specific, values. The file maps to the typical Java properties standard. A sample of a portion of the message.properties file follows:

## Node Management
manage.nodes.page.title = Node Management
manage.nodes.details.page.title = Node Details
nodes.id.required.delete = You tried to delete a node, but the ID was missing.
nodes.id.required.power = You must specify at least one Node name to power it on or off.
nodes.id.required.reprovision.noimages  = No images for this node are defined in Moab Web Services!<br/>Use Image Management to verify they are correctly defined.
nodes.id.required.power.already = {0} for {1} FAILED. Additional Info: {1} is already powered {2}.<br/>
nodes.id.required.reprovision = You must specify a Node to reprovision.
nodes.ajax.modify.success = {0} for {1} was successful.<br/>
nodes.ajax.modify.failure = {0} for {1} FAILED. Additional Info: {2}<br/>
nodes.ajax.modify.power.on = Power on
nodes.ajax.modify.power.off = Power off
nodes.ajax.modify.reprovision = Reprovision
nodes.ajax.modify.result.partial = Some {0} operations failed:<br/>
nodes.ajax.modify.result.success = All {0} operations were successful:<br/>
nodes.ajax.modify.result.failure = All {0} operations failed:<br/>


Content on the left of the equal sign (=) represents current Viewpoint code for content that appears in the user interface. Content on the right replaces content on the left and becomes visible in the user interface.

The message.properties file contains all the default English labels for the interface. It is a static file that you should not modify, because any modifications you make will be lost in any future upgrade. You can, however, customize labels or semantics for an English interface by creating a separate messages_en_US.properties file and specifying the keys and custom values you want to display in the interface.

If you want to localize the user interface labels and text, you can specify a separate language file. For more information, see Localizing the user interface.

To customize labels and semantics for an English interface

  1. Create a file named: messages_en_US.properties, and place it in the tomcat/webapps/moab/WEB-INF/grails-app/i18n directory.
  2. Open the file and specify the strings and custom values for the interface elements you want to customize.
  3. For example, let's say you only wanted to change the default title of the Service Template Management page ("Service Template Management") to "Catalog Management." Here's what you would do:

    1. Open the message.properties file (typically located in the tomcat/webapps/moab/WEB-INF/grails-app/i18n directory), and locate the key for the page title you want to customize:
    2. …
      manage.service.catalog.page.title = Service Template Management
    3. Copy the key (manage.service.catalog.page.title = ) and paste it in the messages_en_US.properties file.
    4. Now specify the new value you want to use ("Catalog Management"):
    5. manage.service.catalog.page.title = Catalog Management
    6. Repeat this process for every value you wish to appear differently than what is already specified in the default message.properties file.

    Any value you specify in messages_en_US.properties will override the same key's value in the default message.properties file. Additionally, the messages_en_US.properties file will remain through a product upgrade so that your customizations will not be lost.

  4. Save the messages_en_US.properties file.
  5. Restart Tomcat to allow changes to take effect.

When using keys, do not use spaces or special characters. Also case-sensitivity must be considered; content in the files appears in the user interface exactly as it appears in the dictionary list.

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