8 – Notifications > 8.3 Notification references > Fields: Notification Details

Fields: Notification Details

Path: Notification Management > Details (or double-click notification)

Image 8-1: Notification Details

Click to enlarge

When you drill down into a notification to see its details, the following fields will display.

Field Description
ID Displays the notification identifier.
User Displays the user this notification was created for.
Condition ID Displays the identifier of the notification condition from which the notification was created.
Created Date Displays the date and time the notification was first created.
Last Observed Date Displays the date and time the notification last reoccurred.
Dismissed Date Displays (when applicable) the date and time the notification was dismissed by a user or admin.
Ignored Date Displays (when applicable) the date and time the notification was ignored by a user or admin.
Object ID Displays the identifier of the object which this notification affects (such as "node1" or "vm1").
Object Type Displays the type of object the notification corresponds to (for example, "Node," "VM," etc.).
Origin Displays which Adaptive Computing component caused the notification.
Message Displays the notification message. The message can contain information for why the notification exists, and possible action items.

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