11 – Tenants > 17.3 Tenant references > Fields: Edit Tenant

Fields: Edit Tenant

Path: Administration > Tenant Management > Edit

The Edit Tenant page contains a form for creating a new tenant. It has two sections: Properties, and Principals.


Use this section of the form to specify general information for your tenant.

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Tenant name

Lets you specify the name of the tenant.


(Optional) Lets you specify a text description of the tenant.


In this section of the form, you can add LDAP entities (users, organizational unit, group) to this tenant. You can also specify the roles given to this tenant.

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LDAP Entity

Lets you specify the name of the LDAP entity. For a User type, this is simply the name (for example, "hpotter"). If the type is Group or OU, you must provide the entire distinguished name.

Open and close parentheses—"(" and ")"—are not supported characters in common name ("CN") LDAP entries. Other special characters, such as back-slashes, commas, etc., must be escaped properly. This includes a second backslash ("\\,") when specifying the OU or Group name (because the JVM interpolates one of the backslashes before passing the information on to MWS).


Lets you specify the type of LDAP entity you are adding. This can be a user, OU (organizational unit), or group.


Lets you specify the role(s) of the tenant. This is an auto complete field that will suggest roles from those you have already created as you type.

To add additional LDAP entities to this tenant, choose Add (). To remove LDAP entities, choose Remove ().


Lets you save the tenant.

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