1.6 Test Your Configuration

  1. Before a user can submit jobs, the user's credentials must be cached on the HPC head node, which allows the MSMHPC Service to authenticate as the user when it submits the job to HPC 2008 R2. Credential caching only needs to be done once for each user. Then the user can submit jobs normally with the msub command. To cache user credentials, use the user.cache.pl script provided with the MSMHPC tools. The syntax is ./user.cache.pl <username> <password>. Note that if you do not have SSL enabled, these credentials will be sent in plain text over the network.

    End users can also use the user.cache.secure.pl script, the MSMHPC Cache Credentials command-line client, or the MSMHPC Cache Credentials GUI application to cache their own credentials. Provide users with the Public Shared Key for authentication to MSMHPC. Under Linux, the user.cache.secure.pl script is the recommended method as it does not show the user's credentials in plain text in the output of ps -a on the head node.

  2. Users can use the msub command normally to submit jobs. Submit a test job to test the system. Note that all executables called must exist on the Windows compute nodes or the script will fail. For example:
    > echo ping -n 300 localhost | msub -l walltime=300,os=windows
  3. Now verify that the job successfully migrated to HPC 2008 R2. On the HPC 2008 R2 head node, open HPC Cluster Manager (found in StartAll ProgramsMicrosoft HPC PackHPC Job Manager). You should see the newly submitted job.
  4. Verify that Moab starts the job and that the job's state changes to Running. RDP (remote desktop) into the node that is running the job (which you can determine with checkjob) and open task manager. Verify that the job is running as the correct user. When the job finishes, the stdout and stderr files should be staged back to the user's home directory (if Samba is configured) or the the shared directory on the HPC head node. Verify that these files are present and have the correct contents.
    NoteYou can also check where the job is running, and under which user, by going to the HPC Cluster Manager and checking the job properties for a job.

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