Gold Allocation Manager

Managing Projects

A project is a research interest or activity requiring the use of computational resources for a common purpose. Users may be designated as members of a project and allowed to share its allocations. The project user list will be honored within accounts including the project that specify MEMBERS in the user list. Machines may also be designated as members of a project as a default resource pool. The project machine list will be honored within accounts including the project that specify MEMBERS in the machine list.

Creating Projects

To create a new project, use the command gmkproject:

gmkproject [-A | -I] [-u [+ | -]user_name [, [+ | -]user_name...]] [-m [+ | -]machine_name [, [+ | -]machine_name...]] [-d description] [—createAccount=True|False] [—debug] [-? | —help] [—man] [—quiet] [-v | —verbose] {[-p] project_name}

Note If the account.autogen configuration parameter is set to true (see Server Configuration), an account will be automatically created for the project (unless overridden with the —createAccount option). The auto-generated account will be associated with the new project, the user MEMBERS of the project and ANY machine.

Note It is possible to have projects be created automatically when first encountered in a job function (charge, reserve, or quote) by setting the project.autogen configuration parameter to true (see Server Configuration). It is also possible to establish a system default project (project.default) to be used in job functions (charge, reserve, quote) when the project is unspecified and the user does not have a default project.

Example 1. Creating a project

$ gmkproject -d "Chemistry Department" chemistry

Successfully created 1 Project

Example 2. Creating a project and specifying user members at the same time

$ gmkproject -d "Chemistry Department" -u amy,bob,dave chemistry

Successfully created 1 Project