Gold Allocation Manager

Examine Account Statement

You can get request account statement for activites as they apply to a particular account.

Example 18. You can request an itemized account statement over all time for account 3 (chemistry for amy)

$ gstatement -a 3

# Statement for account 3 (chemistry for amy)
# Generated on Wed Feb 16 15:16:04 2005.
# Reporting account activity from -infinity to now.

Beginning Balance:          0
--------------------------- ------------------------------
Total Credits:              9010000
Total Debits:               -44542
--------------------------- ------------------------------
Ending Balance:             8965458

############################### Credit Detail ##################################

Object     Action     JobId   Amount     Time                
---------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------------------------- 
Account    Deposit            9000000    2005-02-16 15:10:44 
Job        Refund             10000      2005-02-16 15:15:36 

############################### Debit Detail ###################################

Object    Action    JobId           Project       User   Machine    Amount    Time                
--------- --------- --------------- ------------- ------ ---------- --------- ---------------------------- 
Job       Charge    PBS.1234.0      chemistry     amy    colony     -44542    2005-02-16 15:14:39 

############################### End of Report ##################################