Gold Allocation Manager

List Transactions

You can now check the resulting transaction records (see Querying Transactions).

Example 13. List all the job transactions

$ glstxn -O Job —show="RequestId,TransactionId,Object,Action,JobId,Project,User,Machine,Amount"

RequestId     TransactionId       Object    Action     JobId           Project       User   Machine    Amount 
------------- ------------------- --------- ---------- --------------- ------------- ------ ---------- --------- 
298           299                 Job       Create                                           
298           303                 Job       Quote                      chemistry     amy    colony     57600  
299           304                 Job       Modify                                            
299           307                 Job       Reserve    PBS.1234.0      chemistry     amy    colony     57600  
300           311                 Job       Charge     PBS.1234.0      chemistry     amy    colony     19744  
300           312                 Job       Modify                                           
301           314                 Job       Refund     PBS.1234.0                               
301           315                 Job       Modify

Example 14. It may also be illustrative to examine what transactions actually composed the charge request.

$ glstxn -R 655 —show="Id,Object,Action,Name,JobId,Amount,Account,Delta"

Id   Object           Action    Name            JobId           Amount    Account    Delta  
---- ---------------- --------- --------------- --------------- --------- ---------- --------- 
308  Usage            Create                                             
309  Reservation      Delete    PBS.1234.0                                  
310  Allocation       Modify    2                                           
311  Job              Charge    1               PBS.1234.0      19744     2          -19744
312  Job              Modify    1