Gold Allocation Manager

Make A Quoted Job Reservation

If the quote id is specified when making the reservation, the reservation will use the quoted amounts in calculating the amount to reserve and it will connect to the existing job entry.

Example 15. Make a reservation for the job that reflects the resource and quality preferences while specifying the quote id.

$ greserve -J PBS.1234.0 -p chemistry -u amy -m colony -P 16 -M 2048 -t 3600 -Q Premium -q 1

Successfully reserved 129946 credits for job PBS.1234.0

$ glsres

Id  Name            Amount    StartTime                    EndTime                      Job  User   Project       Machine    Accounts     Description 
--- --------------- --------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- ------ ------------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- 
1   PBS.1234.0      129946    2005-02-16 12:35:13          2005-02-16 13:35:13          3    amy    chemistry     colony     3

The reservation modifies the job entry to take on the new JobId and to change its stage from Quote to Reserve.

$ glsjob -j 1

Id  JobId           User   Project       Machine    Queue   QualityOfService         Stage      Charge    Processors      Nodes   WallDuration       StartTime     EndTime    Description 
--- --------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ------- ------------------------ ---------- --------- --------------- ------- ------------------ ------------- ---------- ---------------- 
1   PBS.1234.0      amy    chemistry     colony             Premium                  Reserve              16                      

As before, the reservation will decrease the balance by the amount reserved.

$ gbalance -u amy -p chemistry -m colony

Id  Name                         Amount       Reserved     Balance      CreditLimit      Available 
--- ---------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------- 
2   chemistry on colony          50000000     0            50000000     0                50000000 
3   chemistry for amy            8960512      129946       8830566      1000000          9830566

Gold has two accounts to choose from. Gold will debit allocations in the order of earliest expiring and most specific first. Specifically, precedence is considered in the following order of highest to lowest: hierarchical relation, expiration time, generality of the project, generality of the user, and generality of the machine. Here, Gold considers the account that is exclusively for amy to be more specific (and of hence of higher precedence) than the account that is exclusively for the colony machine. This ordering will ensure that allocations that will expire the soonest will be used up first and that accounts with more specific access restrictions will be used in favor of accounts that have more general access (for example - amy will use up an account just for amy before the she begins using a shared account).