Maui Scheduler

diagnose -p

(Maui Priority Diagnostic)


The 'diagnose -p' command is used to display 'at a glance' information about the job priority configuration and its effects on the current idle jobs. The information presented by this command includes priority weights, priority components, and the percentage contribution of each component to the total job priority.

The command hides information about priority components which have been deactivated (ie, by setting the corresponding component priority weight to 0). For each displayed priority component, this command gives a small amount of context sensitive information. The following table documents this information. In all cases, the output is of the form <PERCENT>(<CONTEXT INFO) where <PERCENT> is the percentage contribution of the associated priority component to the job's total priority.
Priority Component Format Description
Target <PERCENT>()
QOS <PERCENT>(<QOS>:<QOSPRI>) QOS: QOS associated with job
QOSPRI: Priority assigned to the QOS
FairShare <PERCENT>(<USR>:<GRP>:<ACC>:<QOS>:<CLS>) USR: user fs usage - user fs target
GRP: group fs usage - group fs target
ACC: account fs usage - account fs target
QOS: QOS fs usage - QOS fs target
CLS: class fs usage - class fs target
QueueTime <PERCENT>(<HOURS>) HOURS: job queue time which is applicable towards priority
Expansion Factor <PERCENT>(<VALUE>) VALUE: current theoretical minimum XFactor is job were to start immediately
Resource <PERCENT>(<NDE>:<PE>:<PRC>:<MEM>) NDE: nodes requested by job
PE: Processor Equivalents as calculated by all resources requested by job
PRC: processors requested by job
MEM: real memory requested by job
Bypass <PERCENT>(<BPCOUNT>) BPCOUNT: number of time job was bypassed by lower priority jobs via backfill


> diagnose -p

diagnosing job priority information (partition: ALL)

Job PRIORITY* QOS(Q:QOSPri) FS(USR:GRP:ACC) QTime(Hours) XFactor( Value) Resource(NDE: PE:PRC:MEM)
Weights -------- 1000(-:------) 100( 1: 1: 1) 2(-----) 1000(------) 800( 0: 0: 1: 0)

fr8n01.1300.0 52203 0.00(1:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.00(000.0) 1.92(001.00) 98.08(064:064:064:000)
fr8n01.1301.0 26603 0.00(1:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.00(000.0) 3.77(001.00) 96.23(032:032:032:000)
fr1n04.2068.0 13802 0.00(1:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.00(000.0) 7.25(001.00) 92.74(016:016:016:000)
fr1n04.2067.0 7403 0.00(0:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.01(000.0) 13.54(001.00) 86.45(008:008:008:000)
fr1n04.2059.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr1n04.2060.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr1n04.2061.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1289.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1290.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr1n04.2062.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1291.0 4328 0.00(5:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 26.00(001.12) 73.95(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1253.0 4225 0.00(1:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.25(000.1) 24.01(001.01) 75.74(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1256.0 4225 0.00(0:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.25(000.1) 24.01(001.01) 75.74(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1294.0 4208 0.00(0:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.06(000.0) 23.89(001.01) 76.05(004:004:004:000)
fr8n01.1293.0 1848 0.00(0:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.57(000.1) 56.14(001.04) 43.29(001:001:001:000)
fr8n01.1260.0 1814 0.00(0:000000) 0.00(000:000:000) 0.58(000.1) 55.32(001.00) 44.10(001:001:001:000)

Totals 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 11.57 88.39

* indicates system prio set on job

Note that the above output is fairly lengthy. You may need to widen your browser to properly read it. (Likewise, you may need to expand your terminal to read the actual command output!) As mentioned previously, the 'diagnose -p' command only displays information for priority components actually utilized. In the above example, QOS, Fairshare, QueueTime, ExpansionFactor, and Resource components are all utilized in determining a job's priority. Other components, such as Service Targets, and Bypass are not used and thus are not displayed. (See the 'Priority Overview' for more information) The output consists of a header, a job by job analysis of idle jobs, and a summary section.

The header provides column labeling and provides configured priority component and subcomponent weights. In the above example, QOSWEIGHT is set to 1000 and FSWEIGHT is set to 100. When configuring fairshare, a site also has the option of weighting the individual components of a job's overall fairshare, including its user, group, and account fairshare components. In this output, the user, group, and account fairshare weights are set to 5, 1, and 1 respectively.

The job by job analysis displays a job's total priority and the percentage contribution to that priority of each of the priority components. In this example, job 'fr8n01.1260.0' has a total priority of 1814. Neither QOS nor Fairshare contribute to any of the job's in the queue because there is not a QOS priority set for QOS 0, 1, or 5. Also, no fairshare targets are set for any of the users, groups, or accounts associated with any of the jobs currently idle. Things finally get interesting when we get to the queue time component column. Job 'fr8n01.1260.0' has only been queued for 0.1 hours, contributing a total of 0.58% of its total priority (ie, 0.0058 * 1814 = ~10 priority points). The Expansion Factor component is much more significant, contributing 55.32% of this job's total priority or .5532 * 1814 = ~1004 priority points. (Note the priority weights of 2 for Queuetime and 1000 for XFactor affecting the relative contributions of each of these components) The final priority component, 'Resource', only has one active subcomponent, processors (Note that nodes, PEs, and memory are deactivated by zero priority subcomponent weights). For the job we are analyzing, the resource component contributes 44.1% of the job's total priority or .4410 * 1814 = ~800 priority points. As expects, the percentages sum to 100 and the corresponding priority points sum to 1814.

At the end of the job by job description, a 'Totals' line is displayed which documents the average percentage contributions of each priority component to the current idle jobs. In this example, the queuetime, xfactor, and resource components contributed an average of 0.04%, 11.57%, and 88.39% to the idle jobs' total priorities.