Conventions Controlling Iterations

Advancing the simulator an iteration, the following happens:

> mschedctl -S
scheduling will stop in 00:00:30 at iteration 1

The scheduler control command, mschedctl, controls various aspects of scheduling behavior. It can be used to manage scheduling activity, kill the scheduler, and create resource trace files. The -S argument indicates that the scheduler run for a single iteration and stop. Specifying a number, n, after -S causes the simulator to advance n steps. You can determine what iteration you are currently on using showstats -v.

> showstats -v
current scheduler time: Mon Feb 16 11:54:03 1998 (887655243)
moab active for      00:01:00  stats initialized on Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
statistics for iteration     1  scheduler started on Wed Dec 31 17:00:00

The line that starts with statistics for iteration <X> specifies the iteration you are currently on. Each iteration advances the simulator RMPOLLINTERVAL seconds. By default, RMPOLLINTERVAL is set to 30 seconds.

To see what RMPOLLINTERVAL is set to, use the showconfig command:

> showconfig | grep RMPOLLINTERVAL
RMPOLLINTERVAL                  30,30

The showq -r command can be used to display the running (active) jobs to see what happened in the last iteration:

> showq -r
active jobs------------------------
fr8n01.804.0        R   1 ------      1.0  -       529      519   fr9n16     5    00:05:00  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr8n01.187.0        R   1 ------      1.0  -       570      519   fr7n15    20  1:00:00:00  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr8n01.960.0        R   1 ------      1.0  -       588      519   fr9n11    32  1:00:00:00  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
     9 active jobs     177 of  196 Processors Active (90.31%)
Total jobs:  9

Notice that two new jobs started (without waiting in the eligible queue). Also notice that job fr8n01.187.0, along with the rest that are summarized in the ellipsis, did NOT advance its REMAINING or STARTTIME.

The simulator needs one iteration to do a sanity check. Setting the parameter STOPITERATION to 1 causes Moab to stop after the first scheduling iteration and wait for further instructions.

The showq -i command displays the idle (eligible) jobs.

> showq -i
eligible jobs----------------------
fr1n04.362.0*                1      1.0  -       550      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.363.0                 1      1.0  -       550      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.365.0                 1      1.0  -       550      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.366.0                 1      1.0  -       550      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.501.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.580.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.597.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.598.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.602.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:53:33
fr1n04.743.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr1n04.744.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr1n04.746.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr1n04.747.0                 1      1.0  -       570      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
fr8n01.388.0                 1      1.0  -       550      519     20  1:00:00:00     batch  Mon Feb 16 11:54:03
14 eligible jobs
Total jobs:  14

Notice how none of the eligible jobs are requesting 19 or fewer jobs (the number of idle processors). Also notice the * after the job id fr1n04.362.0. This means that this job now has a reservation.