22.0 Workload-Driven Cloud Services > References > Generic system job trigger requirements


22.7 Generic system job trigger requirements

A generic system job specifies one trigger that must meet the all of the following criteria:

  1. The EType is start.
  2. The AType is exec.
  3. The Timeout attribute is the desired walltime of the job. Moab ignores walltime requests when you submit a generic system job, using the trigger Timeout instead.
  4. The objectxmlstdin flag is set so that the job's XML, which contains the description of the VM being created, is passed to the trigger stdin for the VM creation script to access.

The trigger fires when the system job begins, and, because the trigger's Timeout doubles as the job's walltime, both complete at the same time. The job and trigger have the same completion code.

JOBCFG[gen] GENERICSYSJOB=EType=start,AType=exec,Action="$HOME/installVM.py $HOSTLIST",Timeout=1:00:00,Flags=objectxmlstdin

The job template gen creates a job with a walltime of 1 hour.

Sometimes the trigger will set a variable on completion or require a variable to run at all. For information about setting variables, passing them up to parent objects, and requiring variables on parent objects, see the Trigger Variables documentation.

You can attach additional triggers using the TRIGGER attribute and delimit them with semicolons.

JOBCFG[gen] GENERICSYSJOB=<genericSystemJobTriggerSpecs>
JOBCFG[gen] TRIGGER=<triggerSpecs>;TRIGGER=<triggerSpecs>;TRIGGER=<triggerSpecs>

The job template gen creates a job with a walltime of 1 hour.