4.0 Scheduler Commands > End-user Commands


4.5 End-user Commands

While the majority of Moab commands are tailored for use by system administrators, a number of commands are designed to extend the knowledge and capabilities of end-users. The following table covers the commands available to end-users.

When using Active Directory as a central authentication mechanism, all nodes must be reported with a different name when booted in both Linux and Windows (for instance, node01-l for Linux and node01 for Windows). If a machine account with the same name is created for each OS, the most recent OS will remove the previously-joined machine account. The nodes must report to Moab with the same host name. This can be done by using aliases (adding all node names to the /etc/hosts file on the system where Moab is running) and ensuring that the Linux resource manager reports the node with its global name rather than the Linux-specific one (node01 rather than node01-l).

Command Description
canceljob Cancels existing job.
checkjob Displays job state, resource requirements, environment, constraints, credentials, history, allocated resources, and resource utilization.
msub Submit a new job.
releaseres Releases a user reservation.
setres Create a user reservation.
showbf Shows resource availability for jobs with specific resource requirements.
showq Displays detailed prioritized list of active and idle jobs.
showstart Shows estimated start time of idle jobs.
showstats Shows detailed usage statistics for users, groups, and accounts, to which the end-user has access.

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