3.0 Scheduler Basics > Layout of Scheduler Components


3.1 Layout of Scheduler Components

Moab is initially unpacked into a simple one-deep directory structure. What follows demonstrates the default layout of scheduler components; some of the files (such as log and statistics files) are created while Moab runs.

If you want to run Moab from a different directory other than /opt/moab but did not use the --with-homedir parameter during ./configure, you can set the $MOABHOMEDIR environment variable, declare the home directory in the /etc/moab.cfg file, or use the -C command line option when using the Moab server or client commands to specify the configuration file location.

When Moab runs, it creates a log file, moab.log, in the log/ directory and creates a statistics file in the stats/ directory with the naming convention events.WWW_MMM_DD_YYYY (for example, events.Sat_Oct_10_2009). Additionally, a checkpoint file, .moab.ck, and lock file, .moab.pid, are maintained in the Moab home directory.

3.1-A Layout of Scheduler Components with Integrated Database Enabled

If USEDATABASE INTERNAL is configured, the layout of scheduler components varies slightly. The .moab.ck file and usage profiling data (stat/{DAY|WEEK|MONTH|YEAR}.<date>) are stored in the moab.db database. In addition, the event information is stored in both event files: (stat/events.<date>) and moab.db.

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