Appendices > Appendix K: "torque.cfg" configuration file

Appendix K: "torque.cfg" configuration file

Format <INT>
Default 0
Description Seconds between retry attempts to talk to pbs_server.
Format <STRING>
Default None
Description Default value for job's checkpoint attribute.
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description Sets all jobs to fault tolerant by default. (See qsub -f for more information on fault tolerance.)
Default None
Description The hostname given as the argument of this option will be used as the PBS_O_HOST variable for job submissions. By default, PBS_O_HOST is the hostname of the submission host. This option allows administrators to override the default hostname and substitute a new name.
Format N/A
Default None
Description Integer for job's PBS_OUID variable. Specifying the parameter name anywhere in the config file enables the feature. Removing the parameter name disables the feature.
Format <INT>
Default 0
Description Specifies time to sleep when running qsub command. Used to prevent users from overwhelming the scheduler.
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default TRUE
Description Specifies if a job is re-runnable by default. Setting this to false causes the re-runnable attribute value to be false unless the users specifies otherwise with the qsub -r option. (New in TORQUE 2.4.)
Format <STRING>
Default localhost
Description If set, the server will open socket connections and communicate with client commands and other services using the specified network interface. (useful with multi-homed hosts, i.e., nodes with multiple network adapters)
Format <STRING>
Default ${libexecdir}/qsub_filter (for version 2.1 and older: /usr/local/sbin/torque_submitfilter)
Description Specifies the location of the submit filter (see Job submission filter ("qsub wrapper") used to pre-process job submission.
Format <STRING>
Default null
Description Allows you to specify a specific network interface to use for outbound TORQUE requests. The string is the name of a network interface, such as eth0 or eth1, depending on which interface you want to use.
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default FALSE
Description Validate submit user's group on qsub commands. For TORQUE builds released after 2/8/2011, VALIDATEGROUP also checks any groups requested in group_list at the submit host. Set VALIDATEGROUP to "TRUE" if you set disable_server_id_check to TRUE.
Format <BOOLEAN>
Default TRUE
Description Validate local existence of '-d' working directory.

Example K-1:  


QSUBSLEEP          2

SERVERHOST         orion15