Setting up the job script directory

To set up the default job script directory on one server

The following procedure demonstrates how to set up the default job script directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on the same machine.

To set up a custom job script directory on one server

The following procedure demonstrates how to set up a custom job script directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on the same machine.

  1. In ViewpointConfig.groovy, set jobs.scripts.upload.dir to the custom directory. In this example, it is /opt/viewpoint/jobScripts.
  2. jobs.scripts.upload.dir = '/opt/viewpoint/jobScripts'
  3. Verify that the tomcat user has write access to the directory and that the moab user has read access to it.

To set up the default directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on different machines

The following procedure demonstrates how to set up the default job script directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on different machines.

To set up a custom directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on different machines

The following procedure demonstrates how to set up a custom job script directory when Moab and Viewpoint run on different machines.

  1. In ViewpointConfig.groovy, set the jobs.scripts.upload.dir property to the location to which Viewpoint mounts the custom job script directory. In this example, the job script directory is called /common-scripts, and the Viewpoint server mounts the file share at /opt/viewpoint/common-scripts.
  2. jobs.scripts.upload.dir = '/opt/viewpoint/common-scripts'
  3. Set the job.scripts.remote.dir property to the location to which Moab mounts the file share. In this example, it is at /media/job-scripts.
  4. jobs.scripts.upload.dir = '/opt/viewpoint/common-scripts'
    jobs.scripts.remote.dir = '/media/job-scripts'

    When user tsmith submits a job with a script called, Viewpoint stores it at /opt/viewpoint/common-scripts/tsmith/ Viewpoint transmits the job to MWS, setting the commandFile parameter to /media/job-scripts/tsmith/ Viewpoint and Moab use the same actual directory, but they reference it with their own system-specific paths.

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