6 – Jobs > 6.3 Job references > Fields: Job details

Fields: Job details

Path: Jobs > Job Management > (double-click job)

Image 6-1: Job Details

Click to enlarge

When you double-click any entry in the Job Management table, the Job Details page displays more information about the job. The following fields display:


Field Description
Job ID Displays the Moab job ID.
Custom Name Displays the user-specified name for the job.
State Displays the state of the node (for example, "Running" or "Idle").
Completion Code Displays the exit code of the job.
Processors Displays the number of processors requested for the job.
Memory Requested Displays the amount of memory requested for the job.
Submit Date

Displays the date and time the job was submitted.

For example: 2012-02-16 13:56:13

Flags Displays any flags that exist on the job.
Holds Displays the list of holds on the job.
Hold Date Displays the reason the job is on hold.
Hold Reason Displays the date the most recent hold was placed on the job (for example, "SystemLimitsExceeded" or "Security").
Run Priority Displays the run priority of the job.
Start Priority Displays the effective job priority.
Deployed Displays whether the job has been deployed and its dependencies are free to run.

Submission Information

Field Description
Command File Displays the path to the file that is executed when this job runs. This is the script that will call all the work of this job.
Command Line Arguments Displays the command line arguments passed to the command file.
Submit Date

Displays the date and time the job was submitted.

For example: 2012-02-16 13:56:13

Start Date

Displays the date and time the job was started.

For example: 2012-02-16 13:56:13

Earliest Start Date Displays the date and time of the first possible time the job can start.
Last Preempted Date Displays the date and time the job was last preempted.
Last Updated Date Displays the date and time the job was last updated.
Deadline Date Displays the date and time for the deadline for completion of the job.
Termination Date Displays the date and time of job termination.
Completed Date Displays the date and time the job was completed.


Field Description
Account Displays the account credential (also referred to as the project). This credential is generally associated with a group of users along the lines of a particular project for accounting and billing purposes.
Group Displays the group credential, which represents an aggregation of users. User-to-group mappings are often specified by the operating system or resource manager and typically map to a user's UNIX group ID. However, user-to-group mappings may also be provided by a security and identity management service, or you can specify such directly within Moab.
Job Class Displays the job class. The concept of the class credential is derived from the resource manager class or queue object. Classes differ from other credentials in that they more directly impact job attributes. In standard HPC usage, a user submits a job to a class and this class imposes a number of factors on the job. The attributes of a class may be specified within the resource manager or directly within Moab.
QOS Displays the quality of service assigned to the job.
QOS Requested Displays the quality of service requested for the job.

Job Array

Field Description
Array Index If this job is a sub-job of a JobArray, displays the index of this job in the array. For example, if this job is Moab.1[2], the array index would be 2.
Array Master Name If this job is a sub-job of a JobArray, displays the name of the job array master. For example, if this job is Moab.1[2], the array master name would be Moab.1.

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