Installation and Configuration > Manual Installation > Installation > Installing Moab Workload Manager

Installing Moab Workload Manager

This topic contains instructions on how to install and start Moab Workload Manager (Moab).

In this topic:


Moab Workload Manager uses a configurable server port (default 42559) for client-server communication. If you intend to run client commands on a host other than the Moab Head Node, or if you will be using Moab in a grid, and if you have a firewall enabled, then you will need to configure the firewall to allow the server port.

Dependencies and Installing Packages

Use the following commands to install the required Moab Workload Manager dependencies and packages.

If Installing TORQUE on a Separate Server

If you are using TORQUE and are installing the TORQUE server on a separate TORQUE Head Node, you will need to install TORQUE on the Moab Head Node as well in order for Moab to interact with TORQUE. Follow the instructions in Installing TORQUE with these exceptions:

(Optional) Building a Custom RPM

  1. Install rpm-build.
  2. [root]# yum install rpm-build
  3. Download the latest Moab build (moab-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz) from the Adaptive Computing website.

    The variable marked <version> is the desired version of the suite; for example, 8.0-2014061017-8f96ac8d would be Moab 8.0 revision 2014061017 at changeset 8f96ac8d. The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.

  4. Untar the downloaded package.
  5. Change directories into the untarred directory.
  6. Edit the ./moab.spec file for RPM customization.
  7. Run ./rpm-build.
  8. Locate the custom RPM in rpm/RPMS/x86_64.

Installing Moab Workload Manager

  1. Download the latest Moab build (moab-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz) from the Adaptive Computing website.

    The variable marked <version> is the desired version of the suite; for example, 8.1.0-2015010514-ed0c40a would be Moab 8.1.0 revision 2015010514 at changeset ed0c40a. The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.

  2. As the root user, run each of the following commands in order.
    [root]# tar xzvf moab-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz
    [root]# cd moab-<version>-<OS>
  3. Configure Moab. For a complete list of ./configure options, use ./configure --help or refer to Moab Workload Manager Configuration Options for a list of commonly used options.

    It is strongly recommended that you configure Moab with the --with-init and --with-profile options. The --with-profile option makes it easier to execute Moab commands (see step 8). The --with-init option allows Moab to automatically start at OS startup (see step 11).

    [root]# ./configure <options>
  4. (Only if you are using green computing, or if you are using a resource manager other than TORQUE) Run the make perldeps command to install the necessary perl modules using CPAN. When first running CPAN, you will be asked for configuration information. It is recommended that you choose an automatic configuration. You will be prompted to provide input during module installation; running the make perldeps command with a script is not recommended.
  5. [root]# make perldeps
  6. Install Moab.
  7. [root]# make install
  8. ONLY if you are installing on SLES.

    Copy the appropriate init.d file, set the permissions on it, and configure Moab to start automatically at system boot.

    # SLES:
    [root]# cp OS/SLES/etc/init.d/moab /etc/init.d/moab
    [root]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/moab
    [root]# chkconfig --add moab
  9. Modify the Moab configuration file.
  10. [root]# vi /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg

    Do the following:

    1. Verify that SUBMITCMD is set up for your TORQUE resource manager and that it points to a valid qsub executable. For example:
    2. RMCFG[torque] SUBMITCMD=/usr/local/bin/qsub

      If you use a SLURM resource manager, see Moab-SLURM Integration Guide for configuration information. If you use a NATIVE resource manager, see Managing Resources Directly with the Native Interface for configuration information.

    3. ONLY if you are using Moab Web Services, add tomcat to the list of administrator USERS. For example:
    4. ADMINCFG[1] USERS=root,tomcat
  11. If you configured with the ./configure --with-profile option, source the following file to add the Moab executable directories to your current shell $PATH environment.
  12. [root]# . /etc/profile.d/
  13. Copy your license file into the same directory as moab.cfg (/opt/moab/etc/ by default). For example:
  14. [root]# cp moab.lic $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/moab.lic

    To verify the current status of your license, use moab --about.

    Moab checks the status of the license every day just after midnight. At 60 and 45 days before, and daily from 30 days before license expiration to and including the license expiration date, Moab sends an e-mail to all level 1 administrators informing them of the pending Moab license expiration. A log record is also made of the upcoming expiration event. For the notifications to occur correctly, you must enable administrator email notification (see "Notifying Administrators of Failures" in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide) and moab.cfg must contain email addresses for level 1 administrators. For example:

    ADMINCFG[1] USERS=u1,u2,u3[,...]
    USERCFG[u1] [email protected]
    USERCFG[u2] [email protected]
    USERCFG[u3] [email protected]

    Moab will not run without a license. For information about obtaining a trial license, please contact Adaptive Computing.

  15. Start Moab.
  16. [root]# chkconfig moab on
    [root]# service moab start
  17. Submit a sleep job as a non-root user (adaptive is used in this example) and verify the job is running.
  18. [root]# su - adaptive
    [adaptive]$ echo sleep 150 | msub
    [adaptive]$ showq
    [adaptive]$ exit

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