TORQUE Resource Manager > Installation and Configuration > TORQUE Installation Overview > Installing TORQUE

Installing TORQUE

This topic contains instructions on how to install and start TORQUE.

In this topic:


Supported Operating Systems

CentOS 5.9, Red Hat 5.9 and Scientific Linux 5.9 are supported, largely to continue support for clusters where the compute nodes operating systems cannot be upgraded. We recommend that the TORQUE head node run on the supported operating systems listed above.

Software Requirements

If you intend to use TORQUE 5.1.0 with Moab Workload Manager, you must run Moab version 8.1.0 or 8.0.x. TORQUE 5.1.0 will not work with versions earlier than Moab 8.0.

If you build TORQUE from source (i.e. clone from github), the following additional software is required:


Dependencies and Packages Installation

  • Install the libxml2-devel, openssl-devel, and boost-devel packages.
  • TORQUE requires Boost version 1.36.0 or greater. The boost-devel package provided with RHEL 5, CentOS 5, and Scientific Linux 5 is older than this requirement. A new option, --with-boost-path has been added to configure (see Customizing the Install in the TORQUE Administrator Guide for more information). This allows you to point TORQUE to a specific version of boost during make. One way to compile TORQUE without installing Boost is to simply download the Boost version you plan to use from: Next, untar Boost—you do not need to build it or install it. When you run TORQUE configure, use the --with-boost-path option pointed to the extracted Boost directory.

    Installing TORQUE

    1. Switch the user to root.
    2. [user]$ su -
    3. Download the latest 5.1 build from the Adaptive Computing website. It can also be downloaded via command line (github method or the tarball distribution).
      • Clone the source from github.

        If git is not installed:

        # RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux:
        [root]# yum install git 
        # SLES:
        [root]# zipper install git
        [root]# git clone -b <version> <version> 
        [root]# cd <version>
        [root]# ./
      • Get the tarball source distribution.
        [root]# yum install wget
        [root]# wget<version>.tar.gz -O torque-<version>.tar.gz
        [root]# tar -xzvf torque-<version>.tar.gz 
        [root]# cd torque-<version>/
    4. Run each of the following commands in order.
      [root]# ./configure
      [root]# make
      [root]# make install

      For information on what options are available to customize the ./configure command, see Customizing the Install.

    5. Configure the trqauthd daemon to start automatically at system boot.
    6. # RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux:
      [root]# cp contrib/init.d/trqauthd /etc/init.d/
      [root]# chkconfig --add trqauthd
      [root]# echo /usr/local/lib > /etc/
      [root]# ldconfig
      [root]# service trqauthd start
      # SLES:
      [root]# cp contrib/init.d/suse.trqauthd /etc/init.d/trqauthd
      [root]# chkconfig --add trqauthd
      [root]# echo /usr/local/lib > /etc/
      [root]# ldconfig
      [root]# service trqauthd start
    7. Verify that the /var/spool/torque/server_name file exists and contains the correct name of the server.
    8. [root]# echo <pbs_server's_hostname> > /var/spool/torque/server_name
    9. By default, TORQUE installs all binary files to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin. Make sure the path environment variable includes these directories for both the installation user and the root user.
    10. [root]# export PATH=/usr/local/bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:$PATH
    11. Initialize serverdb by executing the torque.setup script.
    12. [root]# ./torque.setup root
    13. Add nodes to the /var/spool/torque/server_priv/nodes file. For information on syntax and options for specifying compute nodes, see Specifying Compute Nodes.
    14. Configure the MOMs if necessary (see Configuring TORQUE on Compute Nodes in the TORQUE Administrator Guide).

      The make packages command can be used to create self-extracting packages that can be copied and executed on your nodes. For information on creating packages and deploying them, see Compute Nodes.

    15. Configure pbs_server to start automatically at system boot, and then start the daemon.
      • TORQUE Server on RHEL, CentOS, and Scientific Linux:
        [root]# cp contrib/init.d/pbs_server /etc/init.d
        [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_server
        [root]# service pbs_server restart
      • TORQUE Server on SLES:
        [root]# cp contrib/init.d/suse.pbs_server /etc/init.d/pbs_server
        [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_server
        [root]# service pbs_server restart
    16. Configure pbs_mom to start automatically at system boot on each compute node, and then start the daemon.

      There are several methods to get the following inti.d scripts on to each node. The following instructions assume the entire contents of contrib/init.d in the TORQUE git repository or source tarball are copied(scp)/cloned to the compute node.

      These options can be added to the self-extracting packages.

      • TORQUE MOM on RHEL, CentOS, and Scientific Linux:
        [root]# cp contrib/init.d/pbs_mom /etc/init.d
        [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_mom
        [root]# service pbs_mom start
      • TORQUE MOM on SLES:
        [root]# cp contrib/init.d/suse.pbs_mom /etc/init.d/pbs_mom
        [root]# chkconfig --add pbs_mom
        [root]# service pbs_mom start

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