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The following procedure explains how to set up and provision a tenant through the REST interface or by running included command line scripts distributed with MWS. (See Tenant Provisioning Scripts for more information.)
The procedure also offers an explanation for migrating a service to the new tenant and copying service templates to the new tenant, which can also be done through the REST interface or with the included command line scripts.
To provision tenants, you must meet the following prerequisites:
Creating subsections of nodes within a data center can have an impact on performance. The more tenants that are created, the greater the likelihood of impacting performance expectations.
To set up and provision a tenant
> mprincipal -c ResearchUsers -g "cn=ResearchDept,ou=departments,dc=com" -r User -U moab-admin -P thePassword -H https://acme-mws:8080
The preceding mprincipal example creates a principal called ResearchUsers that maps to the ResearchDept group in LDAP, as identified by the supplied DN, and has the role of User. The script connects to MWS with the username moab-admin, the password thePassword, and the host name https://acme-mws:8080.
> mtenant -c Research -U moab-admin -P thePassword -H https://localhost:8080
The preceding mtenant example creates a tenant called Research. The script connects to MWS with the user name moab-admin, the password thePassword, and the host name https://localhost:8080.
> mtenant -p Research -U moab-admin -P thePassword -H http://localhost:8080 ResearchPowerUsers ResearchAdministrators
The preceding script adds the ResearchAdministrators principal to the Research tenant. The script connects to MWS with the user name moab-admin, the password thePassword, and the host name https://localhost:8080.
> mtenant -n Research -U moab-tenant -P thePassword -H https://localhost:8080 n001 n002 n003
The script above attaches nodes n001, n002, and n003 to the Research tenant. The script connects to MWS with the user name moab-tenant, the password thePassword, and the host name https://localhost:8080.
To migrate a service to a tenant
> msvc -m Research -U moab-tenant -P thePassword -H https://localhost:8080 svc001 svc002 svc003
The script above migrates services svc001, svc002, and svc003 to the Research tenant. The script connects to MWS with the user name moab-tenant, the password thePassword, and the host name https://localhost:8080.
To copy service templates to a tenant
> msvctempl -c Research -U moab-tenant -P thePassword -H https://localhost:8080 lamp2container hcstorage
The script above copies the specified service template to the Research tenant and automatically selects a name for the new copy by appending an ordinal to the original name; for example, lamp2container becomes lamp2container-1. The script connects to MWS with the user name moab-tenant, the password thePassword, and the host name https://localhost:8080.
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