TORQUE Resource Manager > Installation and Configuration > TORQUE Installation Overview > Compute Nodes

Compute Nodes

Use the Adaptive Computing TORQUE package system to create self-extracting tarballs which can be distributed and installed on compute nodes. The TORQUE package are customizable. See the INSTALL file for additional options and features.

If you installed TORQUE using the RPMs, you must install and configure your nodes manually by modifying the /var/spool/torque/mom_priv/config file of each one. This file is identical for all compute nodes and can be created on the head node and distributed in parallel to all systems.

[root]# vi /var/spool/torque/mom_priv/config
$pbsserver     headnode    # hostname running pbs server     
$logevent      225         # bitmap of which events to log
[root]# service pbs_mom restart

To create TORQUE packages

  1. Configure and make as normal, and then run make packages.
  2. > make packages

    Building ./ ...

    Building ./ ...

    Building ./ ...

    Building ./ ...

    Building ./ ...



    The package files are self-extracting packages that can be copied and executed on your production machines. Use --help for options.

  3. Copy the desired packages to a shared location.
  4. > cp /shared/storage/

    > cp /shared/storage/

  5. Install the TORQUE packages on the compute nodes.
  6. Adaptive Computing recommends that you use a remote shell, such as SSH, to install TORQUE packages on remote systems. Set up shared SSH keys if you do not want to supply a password for each host.

    The only required package for the compute node is mom-linux. Additional packages are recommended so you can use client commands and submit jobs from compute nodes.

    The following is an example of how to copy and install mom-linux in a distributed fashion.

    > for i in node01 node02 node03 node04 ; do scp ${i}:/tmp/. ; done

    > for i in node01 node02 node03 node04 ; do scp ${i}:/tmp/. ; done

    > for i in node01 node02 node03 node04 ; do ssh ${i} /tmp/ --install ; done

    > for i in node01 node02 node03 node04 ; do ssh ${i} /tmp/ --install ; done

Alternatively, you can use a tool like xCAT instead of dsh.

To use a tool like xCAT

  1. Copy the TORQUE package to the nodes.
  2. > prcp noderange:/destinationdirectory/

  3. Install the TORQUE package.
  4. > psh noderange /tmp/ --install

Although optional, it is possible to use the TORQUE server as a compute node and install a pbs_mom with the pbs_server daemon.

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