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The manual installation process of the Moab HPC Suite includes installing the different components in the suite. This guide contains detailed instructions for installing each component.
Many individual components have dependencies on other components (see Chapter 1 Planning your Installation). However, if you do not require a certain component, you do not have to install it.
The install instructions for each component include information about system requirements and dependencies. Some include prerequisite instructions that you will need to complete before you begin the install. Please read this information carefully, and make sure you have installed all the dependencies and packages that are necessary in order to avoid errors during the Moab HPC Suite install process.
Because many system-level files and directories are accessed during the installation, the instructions in this guide should be executed with root privileges.
You will see that the instructions execute commands as the root user. Please note that the same commands will work for a non-root user with the sudo command.
If your site uses a proxy to connect to the internet, configure yum to use a proxy by editing the /etc/yum.conf file as follows:
If your site uses an external repository to install python dependencies (for example, the host where you install Viewpoint might need to download extra packages), you will need to set up pip to use a proxy. Do the following:
export http_proxy=http://<proxy_server_id>:<port> export https_proxy=http://<proxy_server_id>:<port>
2.1.2 Enable Extra Packages for the Repository
Many individual components have dependencies that are found in the optional add-on repositories for the distribution. You must enable the respective repository for your distribution on all hosts upon which you install Adaptive Computing software components.
Do the following:
On non-RHEL systems (e.g. CentOS and Scientific Linux), you will need to install the epel release package in order to have access to required rpm package dependencies.
[root]# yum install epel-release
2.1.3 Install the Moab HPC Suite Software Components for
To install the Moab HPC Suite, install the packages in the following order: