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This topic contains instructions on how to install and start Moab Workload Manager (Moab).
For Cray systems, Adaptive Computing recommends that you install Moab and Torque Servers (head nodes) on commodity hardware (not on Cray compute/service/login nodes).
However, you must install the Torque pbs_mom daemon and Torque client commands on Cray login and "mom" service nodes since the pbs_mom must run on a Cray service node within the Cray system so it has access to the Cray ALPS subsystem.
See Installation Notes for Moab and Torque for Cray in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for instructions on installing Moab and Torque on a non-Cray server.
In this topic:
Moab uses a configurable server port (default 42559) for client-server communication. If you intend to run client commands on a different host from the Moab Server Host, or if you will be using Moab in a grid, and if you have a firewall enabled, you will need to configure the firewall to allow the server port.
On the Moab Server Host, do the following:
[root]# iptables-save > /tmp/iptables.mod [root]# vi /tmp/iptables.mod # Add the following lines immediately *before* the line matching # "-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited" # Needed on the Moab server for off-host client communication -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 42559 -j ACCEPT [root]# iptables-restore < /tmp/iptables.mod [root]# service iptables save
2.3.2 Install Dependencies, Packages, or Clients
In this section:
2.3.2.A Dependencies and Packages
On the Moab Server Host, use the following commands to install the required Moab dependencies and packages.
[root]# yum update [root]# yum install make libcurl perl-CPAN libxml2-devel gcc
If you are using Torque and are installing the Torque Server on a different host (Torque Server Host) from the Moab Server (Moab Server Host), you will need to install the Torque client on the Moab Server Host in order for Moab to interact with Torque.
Follow the instructions in 2.2.5 Install Torque Clients using the Moab Server Host as the Torque Client Host; with the exception that you must copy and install the torque-package-devel-linux-<arch>.sh self-extracting package in addition to the torque-package-client-linux-<arch>.sh package.
2.3.3 (Optional) Build a Custom RPM
If you want to build a custom RPM, do the following:
[root]# yum install rpm-build
The variable marked <version> indicates the build's version, revision, and changeset information. The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.
You must complete the tasks to install the dependencies, packages, or clients before installing Moab Server. See 2.3.2 Install Dependencies, Packages, or Clients.
If your configuration uses firewalls, you must also open the necessary ports before installing the Moab Server. See 2.3.1 Open Necessary Ports .
On the Moab Server Host, do the following:
The variable marked <version> indicates the build's version, revision, and changeset information. The variable marked <OS> indicates the OS for which the build was designed.
[root]# tar xzvf moab-<version>-<OS>.tar.gz [root]# cd moab-<version>-<OS>
If Elastic Computing is part of your Moab Workload Manager configuration, install deps/acpython-base*.
[root]# yum install deps/acpython-base*
[root]# ./configure <options>
See 2.13 Moab Workload Manager Configuration Options for a list of commonly used options or use ./configure --help for a complete list of available options.
Run the make perldeps command to install the necessary perl modules using CPAN. When first running CPAN, you will be asked for configuration information. It is recommended that you choose an automatic configuration. You will be prompted to provide input during module installation; running the make perldeps command with a script is not recommended.
[root]# make perldeps
[root]# make install
[root]# vi /opt/moab/etc/moab.cfg
Do the following:
RMCFG[torque] SUBMITCMD=/usr/local/bin/qsub
If you use a SLURM resource manager, see Moab-SLURM Integration Guide in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for configuration information. If you use a NATIVE resource manager, see Managing Resources Directly with the Native Interface in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for configuration information.
RMCFG[torque] HOST=<torque_server_hostname>
[root]# . /etc/profile.d/moab.sh
[root]# cp moab.lic $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/moab.lic
To verify the current status of your license, run the following command:
[root] # moab --about 2>&1 | grep License
You should get something similar to the following in the response:
Moab Workload Manager Version '9.0.2' License Information: Current License: Max Procs = 10000 Current License: Valid Until - Thu Jul 13 19:42:10 2017
A license is required for Moab. A trial license may be included in your Moab installation enabling you to run Moab for a limited time and with limited features. Email [email protected] for information on obtaining licenses.
[root]# chkconfig moab on [root]# service moab start
2.3.5 Configure Torque to Trust Moab
If you are using Torque as a resource manager and you installed the Torque Server on a different host (Torque Server Host); recommended, do the following:
[root]# qmgr Qmgr: set server managers += root@<moab_server_hostname> Qmgr: set server submit_hosts += <moab_server_hostname> Qmgr: exit
If you have a resource manager configured, verify that the scheduler is able to schedule a job. Do the following:
[root]# su - adaptive [adaptive]$ echo sleep 150 | msub [adaptive]$ showq [adaptive]$ exit
2.3.7 (Optional) Install Moab Client
After you have installed Moab Server, you can create a client tarball to install just the Moab client commands on a login/client host. This tarball uses a single tar command to install the binary Moab client command files and their man pages. The tarball also contains a moab.cfg file configured with the Moab Server host name and port number so you do not have to manually configure this information on the login/client node.
If your site needs secure communication and authentication between Moab Client Host and the Moab Server Host, create a site-specific key and place it in the same directory as your moab.cfg file. By default, this would be $MOABHOMEDIR/etc/.moab.key. When the Moab server and client commands detect the presence of those two files they will use the key in those files to authenticate and communicate, instead of the default key. See Mauth Authentication in the Moab Workload Manager Administrator Guide for more information.
Do the following:
[root]# make client-pkg
[root]# tar xvf client.tgz
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