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This topic provides the various software requirements and dependencies for the suite components (servers) for
On RHEL systems, you must be registered for a Red Hat subscription in order to have access to required RPM package dependencies.
In this topic:
If you intend to use Torque 6.0 with Moab Workload Manager, you must run Moab version 9.0 or 8.0 or later. Torque 6.0 will not work with versions earlier than Moab 8.0.
In this section:
1.2.1.A Supported Operating Systems
Using "
If ‑‑enable‑cgroups is specified, ‑‑enable‑cpuset is ignored.
If you are building with cgroups enabled, you must have boost version 1.41 or later.
Red Hat 6-based systems come packaged with 1.41.0 and Red Hat 7-based systems come packaged with 1.53.0. If needed, use the --with-boost-path=DIR option to change the packaged boost version. See Customizing the Install
In this section:
1.2.2.A Supported Operating Systems
A SUSE 11-based OS is only supported for Moab Server if your configuration does not include MWS.
1.2.2.C Supported Resource Managers
MAM is commonly installed on the same host as Moab Workload Manager; however, in some cases you might obtain better performance by installing them on different hosts.
In this topic:
1.2.3.A Supported Operating Systems
1.2.3.C Depends On (not necessarily on the same host)
MAM uses an RDBMS as a back end.
Adaptive Computing recommends that the database used by MAM does not reside on the same host as the database used by Insight. However, if you choose to install the MAM PostgreSQL database on the same host where the Insight PostgreSQL database, then the MAM PostgreSQL database must be same version as the Insight PostgreSQL database. See 1.2.5 Moab Insight for supported database versions.
MWS Server must reside same host as Moab Server (Moab Server Host).
In this topic:
1.2.4.A Supported Operating Systems
Oracle® Java® 8 Runtime Environment
Oracle Java 8 Runtime Environment is the recommended Java environment, but Oracle Java 7 is also supported. All other versions of Java, including OpenJDK/IcedTea, GNU Compiler for Java, and so on cannot run Moab Web Services.
1.2.4.C Depends On (not necessarily on the same host)
Moab Workload Manager and Insight both tend to heavily consume system resources. The Insight Server and the Moab Server must run on different hosts.
Only an RPM-based installation is supported for installing Moab Insight.
In this section:
1.2.5.A Supported Operating Systems
Oracle Java 8 Runtime Environment is the recommended Java environment, but Oracle Java 7 is also supported. All other versions of Java, including OpenJDK/IcedTea, GNU Compiler for Java, and so on cannot run Moab Web Services.
1.2.5.C Depends On (not on the same host)
1.2.5.D Performance Benchmarks
Adaptive Computing has tested and certified Insight's scale and performance under the following server configuration and load scenarios.
Server Configuration
Host hardware: 8 core AMD Opteron 6320 2.8 GHz servers, with 32GB of ram and a 500GB WD Blue hard drive
Installed services: Moab Workload Manager, Moab Web Services, Moab Insight, Moab Viewpoint (all at version 9.0.0 and running on the same host)
The benchmarks were ran with multiple services on a single host to benchmark Insight under very aggressive working conditions. Moab Insight must be installed on its own host.
Load Scenarios
Jobs in queue | Avg Job Duration | Avg job Size (ppn) | Number of Nodes | Procs per Node | Avg Jobs per Week |
1000 | 200 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 25200 |
1000 | 60 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 84000 |
1000 | 10 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 504000 |
1000 | 200 | 16 | 6384 | 16 | 321754 |
1000 | 60 | 16 | 6384 | 16 | 1072512 |
1000 | 10 | 16 | 6384 | 16 | 6435072 |
10000 | 200 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 25200 |
10000 | 60 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 84000 |
10000 | 10 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 504000 |
10000 | 200 | 16 | 6384 | 16 | 321754 |
10000 | 60 | 16 | 6384 | 16 | 1072512 |
25000 | 200 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 25200 |
25000 | 60 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 84000 |
25000 | 10 | 32 | 500 | 32 | 504000 |
Only an RPM-based installation is supported for installing Moab Viewpoint.
In this section:
1.2.6.A Supported Operating Systems
The Linux kernel version must be at least 2.6.13 and the giblic version must be at least 2.5.
1.2.6.B Depends On (not necessarily on the same host)
Remote Visualization and Nitro require access to a centralized Reprise License Manager (RLM) server.
This server is not load-extensive so it may be installed on any host within your Moab HPC Suite environment. It may also be installed on its own host.
If your company already utilizes an RLM Server, you do not have to install another as long as the Moab HPC Suite components can access it.
The host on which you install RLM Server must always be on and should have High Availability (uptime).
1.2.7.A Supported Versions
These RLM versions are supported when using Moab HPC Suite components.
The RLM v12.1 (build:2) release resolved memory leak and security issues. The RLM package available with Moab HPC Suite 9.0.2, contains the v12.1 (build:2) release. Adaptive Computing strongly recommends that your RLM Server is v12.1 (build:2).
Remote Visualization comes packaged with FastX 2.2. FastX 2.2 requires reverse DNS to be set up on your network in order for the Gateway Server and Session Servers to resolve each other's IP addresses and hostnames. Without it, Session Servers will not be able to register correctly with the Gateway Server and authentication to the Gateway Server will fail.
Only an RPM-based installation is supported for installing Remote Visualization.
In this section:
1.2.8.A Supported Operating Systems
Remote Visualization requires access to a centralized Reprise License Manager (RLM) server. See 1.2.7 RLM Server for more information.
Gateway Server Host (Remote Visualization Server Host) and Session Servers (Torque MOM Hosts):
The installation of these packages is included in the Install Remote Visualization procedure.
In addition, each Session Server must include the graphical applications (resources) you will have Moab schedule. For example, desktop (gnome-session), xterm, firefox, chrome.
1.2.8.D Depends On (not on the same host)
When integrated with the Moab HPC Suite, Nitro resides on the Torque compute nodes.
In this section:
See the Nitro Administrator Guide for information on specifying memory requirements.
1.2.9.B Supported Operating Systems
Nitro requires access to a centralized Reprise License Manager (RLM) server. See 1.2.7 RLM Server for more information.
Nitro is built with all needed libraries statically linked. This provides for a quick and simple installation and helps avoid troublesome library mismatches. No additional packages need to be installed on the compute nodes.
However, users running the nitrostat utility require Python 2.6.6 or later on the system from which they are running it.
Nitro Web Services is commonly installed on the Moab Server Host.
In this section:
1.2.10.A Supported Operating Systems
1.2.10.B Depends On (not necessarily on the same host)
Nitro 2.0.0 – Installed on Torque compute nodes
A Nitro release is available to fix an issue with Nitro Web Services for Red Hat 7-based systems.